Thursday, December 31, 2009

Question marks of Life

I was reading someones blog this morning and it inspired me to think more in depth. It allowed me to look at the essentials in life, that we seem to overlook, as a critical endeavor. We need to begin to analyze them to a degree in which we can find the truth. Find the truth as to why we fear questions? Why we ultimately fear vulnerability? In a way this blog relates to my latest blog 'Plastic Faces'. Such simplistic relations like someone pretending to know the ins and outs of everything when in reality they clearly do not...

Now it may seem ironic asking a question about questions, but I find it suitable for the topic. Ultimately I don't know the answer...therefore; I am merely attempting to develop a rationale behind it and in order to do that I need to learn. I need YOU to help me develop this underlying goal is to learn. (Something people lack the drive and ability to do anymore these days)

Questions-what are they really? Are they a way to find an answer or are they merely a way to get to know your surroundings, to get to know someone, or even a simplistic way to get to know yourself? The words "I know I hesitate some times to ask even the simplest questions because we as people love to portray confidence and knowledge." were stated in this blog. This statement-as hard as it is to admit-is true for 95% of today's population. Why is it that if we do not know how to do something, we attempt to pretend to know rather than just asking for a hand? We are so consumed in desiring confidence, knowledge, acceptance, and superiority that we lack the ability to admit we need help. It's like we have all built these walls with no windows. We don't want anyone else to see us vulnerable, to see us lack the knowledge to do something. But when you think about it, don't you want to take the opportunity to LEARN how to do that something rather than go through life never knowing? It's like everyone's fear gets in the way of them prospering in life.

Which brings me to my next thought...The picture of a crowded elevator at the top of this blog intrigued me. One question I would like to ask you all is, why are we so fearful to ask others questions about themselves? Why do we not give strangers the opportunity to tell their story? Think about it...Close your eyes and picture walking in Times Square on a Friday afternoon. It's crazy- hundreds of people walking in a fuzz, while hundreds more are in yellow taxi cabs, speeding cars, and buses driving by...That amounts to thousands of people...Imagine how many potential stories there are in one area of the world. Imagine the possibility and the caliber of knowledge one could attain from asking each of those individuals a question about themselves. Yet again, fear has intruded into our lives and has made us incapable of letting go. It's caused us to fear developing a sincere connection with someone-right or wrong-our insecurities cause us to lose out on the potential of an amazing thing. Think of all you could learn from ONE person let alone thousands of them...or even a world of them... It's sad to me how we don't venture into giving people the chance, a mere moment in your life to answer a question. We look strangers in the eyes and really only see the fact that they are a stranger and we avoid any possible confrontation, any unsafe possibilities it may come with. Rather if we took an in depth look into someones soul we could see how each and every person has a life story. They are too someones brother, mother, father, daughter, niece, son, grandmother, best friend, enemy, etc. etc.

When you look at your life, what do you see? I see 21 years of being a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a niece, and a friend. It's been 21 years of adventure. 21 years of ups and downs that we call life, all of which I have been lucky enough to learn new things I never deemed possible. Now if you asked every person what they saw their life encompassing, wouldn't you find it incredible to hear their personal stories? What THEY have learned, who they have met..who they are and who they want to be? I know I would. To think by asking someone a simple question we could learn all this...So why don't we? It's time to disregard any insecurities we may have. It's time to give others a chance to make an impact, and ultimately a difference in our lives. It's time to ask questions...It's time to "gain an honest trust" as Kyle says in his blog. In order to do this we need to let go of our boundaries and venture into the unknown...As this new year approaches-think twice about the person who grazes your shoulder as they walk past you. Think twice about the individual holding the door open for you on your busy lunch hour, think twice about the girl on the subway crying. Everyone has their own story to tell-give them a chance to tell it...Embrace the knowledge this world has the ability to give you...Embrace the hearts that surround you. You never know, someone could change your life-or better yet YOU could change someone else's life...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Oh and check out Kyle's blog-He's got some amazing things to say that could provide you with the answers to YOUR life questions...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Plastic Faces

When you walk out into world wouldn't you like to think that every person that passes by is a genuine, whole-hearted, 'real' person? Unfortunately that is far from reality. As you endeavor into new chapters of your life, you will run into many familiar as well as many new faces. The challenge that lies here is your ability to differentiate between those you should trust and those whom you should not. One thing I have learned thus far in life is that there are rarely true, real, good-hearted people in this world. Embracing the ones you find is a something extraordinary. It's something worthy of time consumption and maintaining. However; as it may seem like people are sincere in life, most unfortunately are consumed by the 'ideal/perfect' world media and masks have conceptualized over the years. Whether it's the way people act, feel, portray themselves, look, etc. Ultimately I think its time for a foundation to be built of what people NEED to take the time to look into in order to know what life really is and not what life is masquerading behind in news titles, heartbreaks, or plastic surgery.

It's actually quite sad how people lose themselves in fear of not being the 'norm'. They change who they are inside and out in order to be like the next person rather than embodying who they truly are. We've been accustomed to a world where everyone sees how people are accepted only when they look a certain way, act in a particular manner, or come from a certain family name. What ever happened to being unique? What happened to being who we wanted to be. To being an original? I never thought people would ever get to the point where they were afraid to be themselves. What is normal anyway? The media has formed this unattainable, flawless image that people sadly feel they need to live up to in order to be normal. But really, I disagree completely. Normal? There is no such thing. Everyone is their own person and it is okay to say 'I am who I am, and I am proud of it.' Screw what everyone else thinks of you. Why lose your morals, your loves, your dreams- just because someone else thinks they aren't right? What's right is being happy. I say we stop tormenting our souls with questions on how we can 'fit in' and rather we defer from it. We should strive to be different.

However; People continue to subdue to this fake environment. Thus they begin to do anything to be successful and to put themselves first. Losing who you are comes with consequences. These fake individuals portray to be someone they are obviously not and in the process they throw those around them under the bus. They judge when they have no right to judge. They minuscule what others want out of life in hopes they can begin to overtake. They forget what they love and they masquerade themselves behind material things in order to make up for a lack of personality. Ultimately there are a lot of people who are focused on their cruel intentions rather than on the good in the world. Sad, but true. Think about it...Why is everyone looking to be the same? Why can't we put all aside and grow in an individualistic way. Forget the redundancy, stop wishing you were something else, and be YOU. Who cares what other people say. Bottom line is just because others say something is right or wrong doesn't mean they are right. Only you know who you truly are and what you really want. So embracing that is up to YOU. Don't place blame on others for what you have become, don't not be you because of your ultimate fear of not being accepted. Who cares?! My motto is 'Do you.' and that's it. It's the only way to be 'real'. It's the only way to not get caught up in the plastic realm of life. So if you want need to go out there and make change for yourself. You can't wait for it to happen in fake atrocities. Its up to you and your heart to find yourself for who you really are...It's your take control....

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


"Music is only love looking for words..."
-Lawrence Durrell

I'm caught in a spiderweb of questions
Heartbreak left without expressions-

A word can mean much more
Ideally what your searching for-

A bruise isn't just a bruise
And love isnt't that of which you choose-

While a broken puzzle can be left in the dust
And a beating heart readies to combust-

Those who realize your pieces are worth replacing
Are those worth the ultimate chasing-

We sometimes fear any new endeavor
For it may result in an imperfect forevor-

Until that trust embeds in your soul
Your mind over your heart takes the ultimate control-

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Simple Complex Life

Life relates much to that of this picture above. Such simplicity to look at, but an underlying, intriguing complexity behind each reflection, each wave or distraction, and each minute that goes by...

I find myself running into the same question from time to time. Throughout life we all must go through our own tribulations, our own struggles, and our own challenges. But once those challenges are overcome do they really go away or are they masqueraded behind new challenges and troubles? When one storm passes, doesn't another one follow along soon after? I guess my question to the world is does time really heal us or does life just offer better distractions in the mean while? When pondering this question many things come to the surface. For instance; how does anyone truly heal from a broken heart, a lost loved one, or even failure? Are we truly going through a process of healing our hearts, our minds, and our souls, or do we merely run into bigger distractions that help take our focus off that certain healing process? This then poses another question. Why do people always find the need to say cliche statements like; "Only time will tell" or "Give it time?" I find these declarations to be undeniably repetitive and they essentially have lost all meaning behind the actual words. It's as if they are used as a filler in conversations when their is a loss for words. When it comes down to it we all have our own opinions, but mine remains at the same stance it always will.

Time is a valuable part of our lives. It offers many opportunities for those to grow, to learn, to prosper, and even to "heal" in some circumstances. However; whether it is a hot summer day in the middle of July, or a frosted night in December those whom are subdued in a troublesome environment are not healing because of time. Healing is a much more in depth, complex process as opposed to the simplicity of a clock ticking. Healing encompasses forgiveness, acceptance, reconcile, restoration, and in some cases learning to forget the undesirable occurrences. As a clock strikes twelve the feeling someone endures is still there, it doesn't disappear with time. On the opposing end there are situations where we can easily forgive, and accept, but many never forget. This is pure evidence that we truly don't always and completely heal, of course depending on the situation. Yes, we can go day to day growing to exhibit a better attitude towards the engagement, but this better attitude is arising from distractions that encircle us rather than our insides genuinely healing. The time that is lingering on comes with distractions such as; a job, school, friends, family, etc. And these things encompass our lives in a way that we are somewhat forced to push the troubles out of our mindset.

The way to ultimately heal is to take the situation for what it is. Accept it, endure it, and fight it. That is where time does come into play. It takes time for an individual to sit down and accept the life they have been dealt, and even after accepting and enduring it many can't fight it. The circumstances are then much different and the problems actually begin to consume those individuals- Much like the loss of a loved one. How do you tell someone who lost their ten year old son in a car accident that "With time it'll get better." When in reality that's not the case at all. Moreover; sometimes the time that passes after a tribulation occurs does quite the opposite of healing. It can cause someone to subdue themselves at a level we ought to never reach. Therefore; Does time really heal? No it doesn't. Time is part of an in depth process that is sometimes washed away by life's distractions. The complexity is much more than words can begin to describe, but ultimately healing is a process we must all learn to deal within order to prosper in each of of our lives.

The Simple Complex Life is much more than what meets the eyes. You must take it as it comes to you and rather than washing away each sea shell,or each tribulation, grasp them. Take them for what they are, for the unique imperfections they bring to your life and learn from them. If you allow the waves of life to masquerade your problems time can never work in your favor. Time can never be the only part of your "Healing" process. Thus each sea shell of life comes with it's own wave, it's own distraction. We must be able to fight that wave in order to genuinely become part of the ocean, rather a part of ourselves as a whole. Accepting, forgiving, and forgetting are all just part of the life we live. Moreover; the time that it takes us to do those things is an intricate part of the healing process, but it isn't THE healing process.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Never Tell A Lie

Ear Candy, Intriguing, Adventurous, Dance Worthy, Feel Good, Unique. All these words encompass the music created by the band Never Tell A Lie. Chris Perez and Mike Winters entered into their new venture of NTAL in November of 2008 in hopes of doing much more than making a name for themselves. Talking to Chris you realize the amount of passion that goes into every note they play, every note they sing, and every word they write. Growing up in Maryland it wasn't the easiest to get their feet off the ground. Both have been in bands before, but have come to a point where they both finally feel right. Where they both feel like not only is the music flowing out in the right direction, but it is going to change the lives of many. Recently they debuted their new EP, "The Thought That Counts" with songs such as; So Your Parents Won't Know, Always & Forever, Run Away, I'm a Fan of Yours, and The Thought That Counts. These songs all reach a different side of the spectrum of the music realm. They pull in the acoustic ballad to the feel good dance songs. These songs attack topics such as love and making something out of yourself. With the unique sounds of auto tune ringing through your years you are guarenteed to have a good time while listening. Want to hear more? Go to their myspace page where the EP will soon stream for all to hear. Spread the word, spread the love, and most importantly spread the music. Not only are they endeavoring into a new adventure, but there is so much more to come from these two guys- so watch out... As their song, The Thought That Counts states, "This could be the start of something that I'll never forget..."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello Goodbye

There are those whom live in routine. Those who do the same thing every morning from the moment they wake up to the second they close their eyes at night. Yet, I am not one of those people. I like change. Actually, I love change. I love the idea of doing something different everyday. I love to think that one second I could be living in the suburbs of New York and in a matter of a few months I could be moved across the country to where ever I find necessary for the life I want. I love to keep life interesting. I love to live in the moment and I love to also plan for the future as well. At times I am content with the life I live now. Yet, at times I am so consumed in class or work that I forget to think about what actual living feels like. When you think about it, we tend to spend more time planning our lives rather than actually living them. Moreover; since Freshman year of high school I have planned where I would be in four years, eight years, fifteen years... What college I wanted to go to, what major I would enter into, with what dreams of the future I had? But while I went through high school and into college I hadn't been able to actually live the dreams my mind and heart craved. I have been waiting for eight years for the opportunities others are already living at this point in their lives. Sometimes I get so lost in my grades and in my financial situations that I forget to look at the bigger picture. I forget to stop time and enjoy life. I am so ready for what people call the "real world." Yes, it will be challenging, different, and a huge change. But who doesn't like change and who doesn't want to rise to a challenge. I'm sick of the 9-5 jobs and the classes that occupy my days. I am ready to graduate and do something with that measly piece of paper we call a diploma. Don't get me wrong I am proud of my hard work in all my years of education. A 3.8 GPA is not easily gotten, but I am also proud of what I know I can become in the future. I am more intrigued with my potential at this point in my life than with my past. As Amanda Seyfriend sings in Mamma Mia, "I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairytale. You can take the future, even if you fail. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see. I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me. I'll cross the stream, I have a dream...." I truly know, as of right now, what I want out of life. And that is to make a difference. I want people to know my name, but not for fame or money. I want them to see the abilities that I have and they could potentially have to change the world for the better. Whether that be in the words that they write, the movements they create, the statements they make, or the work they do everyday. Everyone has the potential to make a difference, and I think its imperative to show the world they can do so.
Below is a song / poem a friend of mine ( Kayla ) and I wrote together. It is aimed towards bringing out a feeling of wanting more. The need for change, and the need to make something more of yourself in a new place with new people. Ultimately it is how I find myself feeling more and more as the clock ticks. We both have grown up and experienced rare and irreplaceable things here in this small town. However; we are ready for something larger. Something this small town may not have to offer. We are ready to stop saying no to things we know deep down inside we want to do, but don't because of the underlying responsibility we hold as a student, a daughter, a sister, an employee, et cetera. The feeling we once got from the car surfing, flour fighting, roof jumping life we used to have is no longer the fire we feel inside. (Ofcourse if there was an offer on the table for any of the above we'd never turn it We feel a small flame beginning to grow for a new adventure, a new life, a change. Moreover; our past will always be with us in our hearts, but our future is what we are focusing on now. Yes, we are both looking for a huge change, but not necessarily in ourselves as people. Kayla and I will always be the crazy, outgoing, loud yet quiet at times, spontaneous, up for anything gals we grew up to be, but we'd like to bring that spontaneity to a new place with new dreams. We both have a lot inside of us we are willing to let out and we are just looking for ways to do so. For instance; a clothing line. Yes, you read that right. We have begun the beginning stages of yet another way to express how we feel. So if you have any ideas shoot them our way:) [ More to come on that....]

So...Here it goes. Let me know what you think. Better yet, let me know how YOU feel, because that is what is most important. How do you feel about change, new places, new people, new ways, and new dreams? Just remember, change is okay. It can be good for your soul, you heart, you mind, your body, and ultimately your life.

Hello Goodbye

I'm a small town girl, always will be
In the ever glow of this vivacious city
It's still not enough, not enough to change me
But I believe in second glances
I'm not passing up chances

Goodbye small town sights
Hello big city lights
Here we come, here we come
Goodbye small town life
Hello warm L.A. nights

We've said too much to turn back now
I smiled when I saw your face in the crowd
Cause I'm drowning
In this towns everlasting dust
I'm ready to get out
For what once was love has now become full of utter lust

Goodbye small town tales
Hello big city adventures
Here we come, here we come

Strip me down to my bare essentials
Things will never be the same
Ready to break out and rise above all our potentials
Ready to take over this life we call a game

Goodbye small town yearbooks
Hello new city faces
Goodbye small town minutes
Hello sleepless L.A. places
Here we come, here we come

Ready to leave this small town and go....

Perfectly Imperfect
<3Crystal Kimberly

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let Loose and Sing if you wanna sing. Regardless of what it sounds like:) Just be you.

What stimulates your heart? What do you have the most fun doing?!

I love to goof off and sing. It's where I can be me...haha check it::

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"The Game"

Have you ever found yourself contemplating where, when, how, and why there was this thing called, "The Game" introduced to the world. Why we as humans, woman and men, have to endure such tribulations, such rules, and such restrictions in order to endeavor into the dating world. Fear subsides in your gut in hesitations of what to say or not to say. Questions lurk in you mind, afraid to think a certain thought, and even if you think you know what the other is thinking you usually end up second guessing yourself. Since when did passion towards another person become such a complicated matter. You would think, "Hey I really like him/her. I should tell them." But no way, for most that is not even an option. We hide in their shadows in fear of rejection or in fear of quite the counterpart of that-a sincere connection. Love is such a precious gift that we fight so hard for. Then when we have it sometimes it's easily forgotten. I find myself glaring at those who strive for perfection in their relationships, and inevitably they fall into a pit of unhappiness. What they don't realize is Love is more than the want of perfections. Because love is actually quite the opposite. We love those we love for their unique tendencies. I sometimes ponder to myself why those around me fight to determine the rules to dating, the right and wrongs of love, and ultimately endeavoring into each moment questioning what will happen next rather than enjoying the current point and time. Since when did, "liking" someone become "THE GAME?" It's as if people over analyze the depths of dating rather than taking the time to look at what is right and blatantly in front of them. It's as if people are so obsessed with finding their happy ending that they overlook the obvious signs staring them in the face.
Girls, think back to when you were little. We were taught that if a guy hits you and runs away, he automatically likes you. However, how does that makes sense? And it doesn't help that movies employ you into the same train of thoughts. We see the typical jerk of a guy getting all the girls while the good guy is left alone in a corner of friendship. We need to begin to learn how to read the signs around us in order to determine who really wants us and who obviously does not. We need to distinguish between a happy ending and a fairytale, because I'm sorry but life is not a book. It comes with imperfection, moments of vulnerability, rejection, and fight. And whose to say that our individual happy endings include a significant other? Why can't the happy ending end with success, moving on in life, picking up the puzzle pieces we call life and putting them all together to fulfill your dreams? Does every person really need to be in a relationship to be happy? We are shown the "perfect" life through movies, television, and magazines. But is that REALLY the "perfect" life? Rather are we conceptualizing and contemplating the stereotypical view of a happy and perfect life as to what the media shows us?
Through all the questionable, misread signals flowing back and forth between two human beings maybe the ultimate happy ending encompasses throwing out the rules of dating and making your own. Maybe "The Game" isn't really a game and it is something this world is striving for in fear of a real, sincere, deep connection with the opposite sex. I see too many of my friends unhappy in some regards to dating. Yet, if we took the time to create our own rules, our own thoughts, and our own hopes in relation to that spectrum of connections, we could quite simply avoid all confusion, all frustration, and find one to sincerely love and adore for who and what you are together. Personally I know from experience the ups and downs of dating, and I hate "The Game." But I have recently come to know that once all the hesitations and fears are left behind amazing things can and will happen. You just have to trust your heart and let go of what you THINK you should do, and just do what you know you should do....Love is a beautiful thing in our world and there are many different ways to encompass that utter, amazing feeling in your daily lives. Just take a risk and don't think for once. It'll happen how it's suppose to happen from there...

Think about it....

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly


Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Ripple Effect of Love

Occasionally when the sun collides with water it creates it's ultimate counterpart. A duplicate in itself, the current tore everything in it's path away from it's original position. Steadily the water began to settle and what once was a simple destruction transformed into a beautiful masterpiece. I stood there glaring into the diminutive waves picturing what life would be like if I was water. The sense of simplicity and elegance. Yet the ultimate sense of intensity and complexity. One might describe this as the perfect imperfection. As I stared off into the water more in depth it seemed evident that I resembled the water more than I deemed possible. Ones life encompasses many tribulations and many sacrifices. Mine, at times, contained more than I could handle. Being here was the only place that I could be free. That I could be who I wanted to be. Just me, the water, and the sun. And ofcourse the occassional birds flying by, but they don't judge you as harshly as the world. Freedom is a right this country fought so hard for. So why is it so difficult for me to feel a sense of liberation around others? As I stood there losing myself in thoughts and wonders I realized something. I having been coming to this same spot for years, and each adventure into the thoughts creeping in my mind, there was always a sneaking connection to love in some form. In all the handful of moments that are experienced in life, love takes the cake in terms of the amount of time we endeavor into something. Whether your loving your family, your significant other, your best friend, your dreams, your life, or your fears your are taking time to LOVE something.
At times, I stare off into the ripples of the water and try to conceptualize how people can go off into the world and hit another human being, say they hate someone, disown their own son or daughter, ignore the many wars going on around this Earth, or even something as horrible as murdering someone. It's crazy to think how each person in this world is just as equal as the ripples in the nearest pond of water. If we just each took the time to do simple things such as; smiling at the person walking past us or opening the door for someone, we could change the world. A ripple effect, like the water that lays in front of my very eyes, would begin to take effect all across the world. Sometimes I just want to stamp the word LOVE on my forehead for all to see. Do I care what people say? No. Why? Because I want everyone to look at my forehead and think, wow she is right. Why do we waste our time with utter despise and saddness? Why do we waste the time we have in life when life is a short gift given to us? It's sad to think that we can't just put our differences aside and love each other for who we are. I think the best part of love is we love people for their imperfections, their uniqueness, their qualities, and their intuitive thoughts. Love isn't about presumptions or judgements. Love is about caring and showing you care. Love is about family and friends, love is about dreams and making them come true, love is about this world coming together to make a better place. Cliche, yes. True, yes. Happening, no.
Love is an extremely powerful emotion that at times is absolutely irresistable. When you love something you identify with it. So... why not spread the love all around for all to experience. For those whom are unable to love are those whom are lost. Those whom can not find love are those in the most need of love. Break down your walls and paint love all over the world. Take a risk, a chance, a step, and say I love you. Look at those whom mean the most to you in your life and remind them of it. Do the things you love in life now in order to avoid regret. And remmember time is of essence and we need to enjoy it and help others enjoy it. Something as simple as the current of a stream can relate to the world, and we must recognize the comparison and apply it. Don't be afraid to look into your reflection and be who YOU are. Love the person you were, are, and will become for that is what is most important in life. If you love yourself, it is that much easier to trust and love others.

I love you.
And I dare you to love me...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beautiful Disaster

Right now the birds are chirping, its 4:06 a.m. and I can not sleep. This is what happens when I think and type::

Sometimes we walk through life with those looking over our shoulders. And sometimes we dread the time that passes and inevitably makes us older. Consequences come from every decision. Just as stiches with each and every incision. Living up to expectations, trying to be unique. Creating your own visions and avoiding the constant critique. Life contains no guarentees. For you can climb and just as fast fall. Everything comes with it's small fees. Trying to be at all beck and calls. A life can be a beautiful disaster. Making things happen just a little faster. The good and bad. Reminiscing on all in which you've had. At times delirious. Atempting to never take anything too serious. Loving what you love. And inventing moments never heard of. Speaking ones mind. A sincere effort to leave nothing behind. Making a mess and then sweeping it under the closest rug. For in love you obsess, because it's as addicting as the next drug. A heart once broke. Memories burnt into smoke. A heart now stronger than ever. Ready for it's very next endeavor. Beating in the echos across the room. No longer afraid behind a costume. Some things unsaid. Not knowing what is ahead. Quietly some assume. While others are stuck to consume.
Not listening to a word. For the eyes tell more. With each humming bird, a new adventure ready to explore. One things wrong. The next is right. Losing yourself in the song or the words in which you write. Things may seem to hit rock bottom. Breathless at times. Senses become numb. Attempting to build a wall in which your heart climbs. Stuck in one spot. Craving adventure. Making an impression, never to be forgot. Undoubtely your last venture.

Crystal Kimberly
Perfectly Imperfect

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New adventure??

So I am sitting here, literally getting lost in the music entering into my ear drums. Songs about living your dream, love, faith and hope, and even things such as; failure, heartache, and loss. Music really has a way to embed it's messages into your brain. Yet at the same time I have found that it can help you get through pretty much any tribulation that you have to endure. For the past year I have increasingly become more involved with the music realm. I have had these dreams in my head building for so long, and ultimately I can not hold back anymore. There is so much I want to do. Recently however; I have contemplated launching my own site to promote and help musicians and bands involved in any kind of music. I also was thinking about promoting clothing lines, other companies, films (which I am working on currently) and basically anything. I have a huge passion for music, fashion, writing, singing, film, et cetera, and would love more than anything to help those in the business. I enjoy so much to see others prosperous, and the passion I have for this world is unreal. I have never felt so free, so driven, so hopeful, and so determined to make something work. Hopefully from this experience I can grow, I can start my own line of jewelery or clothes, I can start my own music venture, or my own writing career. These things will always be embedded and cherished in my heart. So I figured...Why not help those already doing so...??? So there you go...There is so much to come from me, Crystal Kimberly. I hope to build a secure foundation and see where it goes from there. So tell all your friends...Tell everyone you know...Because we all know the most significant way of advertising is word of mouth.

You will be hearing from me soon....

Much love,

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, July 5, 2009


"It's hard to have a good tommorow if you're always thinking about yesterday."- C. Roth

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Happiness: A state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.

But is it that simple? Is happiness in ones life really just a state of contentment, of satisfaction, pleasure, and joy? To be perfectly honest I do not agree with the simplicity of the definition in the dictionary. I think as words come into our lives, as new words are discovered, and as each individual in this world experiences new adventures, each person develops their own meaning for those words.
Happiness to me? Well the first things that pop into my mind when that word is brought up are; Family, friends, music, writing, spontaneous adventures, volunteering, sun, city lights, support, calla lilies, financial stability, living life in the moment, laughter all around me, dance parties and singing loudly, making a difference in someones life, keeping busy, health, no worries, and most importantly love. There are more things, actually the list could continue to go on for miles. Everyone has things that all add up to equal happiness in their lives. Each person is different. Each individual is unique. Each individual is precious in their own way. Some are happy with buying fancy things or spoiling their children (in a good way), and some are purely happy with being able to put a meal on the table for their family and just seeing a smile of their child's face.
Here is my logic. Whatever makes you happy, whether it is singing your heart out, writing your thoughts to the world, spending time with friends and family, et cetera, do it. You only get one life to live and why bother waste it worrying about every little thing going on. If you have to choose between taking the safe route and being happy, to be completely honest if you are going to be miserable every single time you take the safe route, take a chance and do what is going to bring that smile across your face, in your heart, and in your soul. Evidently when you make yourself happy you tend to exhuberate that happiness on to others. And those then exhuberate it so on so forth. Life is a gift we were given from God (or from whom or whatever you believe in) . Take it for what it is and take risks, jump fences, and do what you want and not what others want for you. Those whom care about you will accept you for you and for what makes you happy and ultimately they will be happy for you too. People grow. People change. And that is okay. Actually it is great! I love who I am, and I am proud of who I am and I am proud of how I was brought up to be, because it made me a good person. I know the meaning of a good life, the meaning of love and whats right or wrong. I feel noone should ever be ashamed of who they are or where they came from, because that ultimately has made you who you are today.
When I close my eyes and ponder happiness, ponder my getaway; all I can think of is family gatherings, friends all around, music blaring, the potential for a stage to be more than a fantasy, big city life, yet a calm beach atmosphere, a life of laughter, and no sadness. A life of helping others and ultimately making a difference in the world.
What is your getaway? What is your happiness? Think about it...And then do it!

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, June 15, 2009

Be part of History

How it ends:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who are we?

When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Have you ever wondered what people see when they look at you? Do you ever just sit and think, who am I? And what do I want to do ? I mean, call me crazy but I do it all the time. Thinking can probably be seen as a problem of mine, ha ha. I tend to do it all too much. Of course, thinking is essential in life, however; is there such a thing as TOO much thinking. I was asked last night how I can write so much. How do I not run out of things to write about? I mean I write every single day. I guess I just have a lot inside, a lot that I want to share, and a lot that I have gone through. I guess my life is like a book, and we are in the beginning chapters. For only being twenty-one I have experienced a lot, met many people, and lived a great life. But to be honest It has not been nearly even close to what I want to do, see, and venture into. I am sitting outside on my front porch a cool, breezy, June day in my home town. Now this town is nothing like you may think. It is small, and when I say small I mean it. Ha ha. We have our own mini movie theatre, where the movies I might add, are less than 5 dollars. We have a high school, a middle school, and three elementary schools. A police/fire station, a Walmart (of course), and a park. Amongst other little places this town is preoccupied with familiar faces you tend to see on a daily basis. Growing up as a small town girl, as it may seem easy, it sometimes poses some hardships. There is UN-needed and UN-wanted drama, everyone knows everything about everyone, and you have to make your own fun. (For instance; things like car surfing.)
Now, let me tell you I am not one for drama. I actually hate it and try to avoid it at all expenses. However; as I said living in a small town there is always drama. People enjoy starting drama to keep life interesting, when in reality I find it obnoxious and a waste of time and life in general. Life is a gift we are all given and we should live it with joy and love. Forget the petty stuff. Forget the lame rumors, and forget the obnoxious things being said. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. You can't let others control how you feel, what you do, and who you will become. That is where coming from a small town comes in handy. The people I have met here have made me such a better person. Whether I was in love with them, or they were my closest friends. I have grown from each and every experience and I have this small town to thank for that. Yes, there is your occasional drama starting punk (lol-didn't know how to phrase that), but the people here are for the most part real. As opposed to those in other big cities only looking out for themselves, small town friends are ones who are going to not only push through lives for themselves, but they are going to be doing it while holding your hand and bringing you along. I can't help but think who I would have become if I grew up in a place like L.A. or N.Y.C? As much as I would like to convince myself that I would turn out to be the same person, there is always that curiosity. I mean lets be honest. The people that grown up in L.A., in Hollywood, etc have a completely different lifestyle than those from small towns. But anyway...
So who are we? All I can say is when you look in the mirror, I hope you are smiling, because life is nothing short of a great time full of love all around us. Who am I? I am a newly turned twenty-one year old with a big heart and with huge hopes and dreams for myself, but more importantly for my friends and family. I am one who sees so much potential in those around me, that all I want to do is help in anyway for them to reveal that potential inside, and to get them to stop hiding behind their shadows. For instance; Cory Jackson. He is basically my little brother. I love him so much. He is one of the most amazing guitarists I have been able to witness. Not only is he Ahh-mazing at guitar, in a band called Stuck on Stupid (check em out;]), but he is the sweetest, most caring and driven kid I have ever come into contact with. He would give you the shirt off his back if you lacked one. Moreover; he is the kind of person that gives you a hug when he knows something is wrong and no one else does. Ultimately If you were to look up the word inspiration in the dictionary his picture would be there. I know this sounds crazy, but I am being as true as the sky is blue. He is all these amazing things and inspires me in more ways than one. I can never NOT smile when around him, I can never be upset when he is around. He just exuberates this presence I can't even begin to explain. But as we know noone is perfect, and Cory's only imperfection is his lack of belief in his potential as much as I and others believe in him. He could be on stage with anyone he wanted to be on stage with, and he has so much inside, but he is hesitant to branch out and attack it. I mean ofcourse he has confidence, as he should. However; there is so much more he could do, but doesn't believe he could. That is what these small town friends are for. They are there to help you get off your butt and believe in yourself as much as they do. They are there to make you smile when you feel like you have forgotten what a smile is. They are there when life seems too tough to get out of bed. They are there to turn your rainy day into a sunny one. As corny as this all sounds, it is really true.
The point of this blog is to basically say: never forget where you come from. My hometown is a small one, but it has a big heart<3 . Yes every place has its faults, but it will always be home. I am not going to lie, I do want to venture on to new places, but when I do that I will never forget where I grew up, who my true friends are and the love I have received from this small town I call home.

I am a Tartan, and I am proud of it. lol

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Whisper in my ear, love.

I just recently turned twenty one - as in three days ago- and everyone asks me if I feel different? Well the answer is no. I feel the same. The same as I did that three days ago. But I have realized I do feel like a different person. I have changed over this past year, and I am happy with that change. I have experienced things I never thought I would, I have talked about things I never thought I would, and I have the most amazing friends-most from my high school years. Don't get me wrong i love the people and friends i have met since my entrance into college, but the friends in which I met in high school have a special place in my <3heart. Those relationships weren't forced, and they have had years and years to develop. I know whenever I come home I will come home to the most amazing faces, hearts, and souls. I know these are the people who were there for me, and will always be there for me. These are the people who don't whisper behind my back, these are the people who truly love me for who i am and who I want to become. These are the people who will never doubt me, and these are the people who have forever embedded themselves in my heart. To some they lose contact with these people and its unfortunate. But me, I will forever hold onto the relationships I developed in my early years, it is imperative. But anyway, the reason for this blog update is solely to restate all I am grateful for. I am grateful for my amazing family, my amazing friends, and my amazing life. Sometimes we run into hard times and we forget all we have to actually be thankful for. Well I am thankful for every sunrise and sunset, I am thankful for every heartbreak and heal. I am thankful for every beat of nature and every look in every eye. I am thankful for music and I am thankful for my voice. I am thankful that I have freedom of speech, and I am thankful that I am not afraid to voice it. I am thankful for my life. I am thankful for your life. And I am thankful for what you are thankful. This world lacks the amount of love we really should have. Love is a precious gift we don't express enough. There is so much love to give yet people don't give it. There is so much love available to exuberate, yet people hide it. Love is an amazing thing and we should treasure it. WE should tell the ones we love we love them on a daily basis. We should be kind to all, not worry about drama, not worry about bad things rather rejoice in the good. Look into the eyes of those passing and smile. Open a door for someone. Little acts of kindness could change someones life. And if you do not believe this then you should learn it. People find the smallest acts of kindness credible. They find these acts better than fake proposals of kindness. Love those who deserve to be loved, and forgive those who have loved in the past. Everyone has a past, but everyone also has a future. There is room for forgiveness. There is room for hope. And There is definitely room for love. Break down walls people cave themselves behind, open your hearts, and sing kindness. It will change our world. I promise. (and I keep my promises)

i love you.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, May 25, 2009

What came from me writing what I was thinking.

Sometimes our hearts hurt more than we reveal. Sometimes our smiles lack the feelings in which we conceal. Sometimes what we hide is who we are. And sometimes where we are suppose to be is not very far. But who we are is what we show. Because to the world that is what we bestow. It's like rainy day. In the month of May. Unwanted, but expected. Vulnerable, but protected. We walk on the edge, in hopes of not falling. But if we do, we know it's our calling. As laughter sweeps the lives of many. Tears embody the hearts of plenty. Fill our lives with hopes and joys. Dreaming of maintaining ones poise. We strive to be who we want to be. But it's affected by that of which people see. Truth unfolds in the lies of some. While lies unfold from what some become. Whatever life brings. The heart should be what always sings. No more echoes from those around you. Time to learn from all you've been through. A love once loved. Or a hurt you forever have shoved. A lesson comes with each mistake. And a lesson comes with each accomplishment. Always be real, and never fake. And never hide behind a wall of cement. Those who hide. Are unable to confide. Those who hide. Are hurting inside. Breathe in each moment, and in each moment take a breath. If you must, let the tears fall. If you must, punch down each and every wall. Life is a path, in which each must take. Which ones you choose, is a choice you must make.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Part of That World.

So as I sit here on Monday night, technically Tuesday morning, all I can think about is the future. What is it that it has in it's hands for me. What presents does it have for me to unwrap, and ultimately what dreams will it make available for me to live. I am at a point in my life where I am very happy with myself. I love my family, my friends, and all those surrounding me. However; I am ready to start doing things for me. I have always been the person to put everyone before myself, and I will continue to do so. But I have to start living MY life. I need to stop worrying about if I am making everyone else proud, and I need to ultimately make myself proud. There is so much I want to do in life. More than I could ever put into words. Are all those things realistic? Possibly yes, possibly no. Yet there is a life in my heart that is calling my name and has been calling my name for years. I am ready to take it off the back burner. I am ready to venture into what will make me happy. I am ready to rise to the challenges, get my feet wet, and jump out of my comfort zone. Those who know me know I am a very determined and driven individual. Once my mind is set on something I will work undoubtedly harder that I have ever before to attain that goal.
Today I sat down with a good friend. A friend who has been there for me through a lot. We discussed how much has happened in both of our lives in just the last couple of months. And it may not be significant to some people, but It has been to us. We have met some amazing people, done some incredible things, and dreamt countless nights of what could possibly come from our goals in life. Not many people my age KNOW what they want out of life. Not many people know what they want to do for the rest of their life. I do. I know the exact moments that will send chills up my spine to leave me utterly speechless. I know that when I close my eyes and see my dreams in my mind, i know that it won't be a dream much longer. However; it will become a reality. I have always been pushed to reach beyond the ceiling. I've been taught that I have no limit as a person. As my life has progressed, the ages rolling on by, I have learned so much. I have grown into the person I am today. Soon, as in eleven days, I will be turning 21. Yes the big TWENTY - ONE. Well who would of thought that by the age of twenty-one I would have this mind-set.
I went from being in love to heartbreak to being in love again to heartbreak to once again being in love. But this time. I am not in love with a significant other. However; I am in love with my life. I am in love with my dreams and the potential of my future. When my heart was first broken, I thought it couldn't be healed. That it was in a forever state of pieces. At that point in my life I was vulnerable, I was young, I was naive, insecure, and ultimately I was in love for the first time. Then I fell again, unfortunently time was of essence and a key factor in the heartbreak to come. I have no regrets in my life. Moreover; I have lessons learned which have brought me to where I am today. After the heartbreak I thought I had to be with someone to be happy. I had been "that" girl who had consistently always been in a relationship. It was where I was most comfortable, least vulnerable, and most used to. Yet, recently I have learned that I have grown into such a strong person. And I can actually step up and admit that now. Rather than fretting on the past, we must indulge in the present and dream for the future. Lets remmember though. The past is significant in that it has helped you grow as an individual, and has inevitabley made you who you are today. But we shouldn't think about what if's and why's? We need to say to ourselves that is the past, there is nothing that can be done to change it. The present and future are what you can change. You can be who you want to be, go where you want to go, and live the way you want to live.
Me, well I am a small town girl awaiting my break into the bigger picture. Yes, this small town is good to come home too, but I know it's almost time for me to leave. My memories are here, but my future is not. I need to venture into a new world with new opportunities. I am looking forward to meeting new people, endeavoring into new adventures, and forever living the dream I write about everyday. Maybe one day I will tell you all the list of things I would like to venture into. But for now...I will leave it at this.

Always fight for what you want and never settle. Never let anyone tell you that you can not do something, and if they do use that energy to achieve your goals that much more. Prove them wrong. Do what makes YOU happy, and be true to yourself. The question I always ask my self, is what you see in the mirror who you want to be? And if it isn't do something about it. And I am not referring to looks. I am referring to what you see in your eyes, the person who lies beneath them. Who is that person, and what do THEY want? Ultimately it is your life, noone elses. It is your playground, so play:) Go to distance, dream big, and question the world to get answers. It is like Ariel in the Little Mermaid said, "Ready to know what the people know, Ask 'em my questions and get some answers. What's a fire and why does it - what's the word? Burn? When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world up above? Out of the sea. Wish I could be Part of that world."

Much love,

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You are no longer invisible. We promise.

Hunger falling upon their faces
A life of lost identity
This world is full of many races
Eagerly searching for serenity

Innocent lives, put on the battle lines
No choice is to be made
In love we must learn to shine
A country in need of aid

Smiles which light up each room
Their names are lost in time
Joseph Kony takes souls to consume
Forcing those into organized crime

Laughter lacks, while screams prevail
Attention must be brought
Making a difference on a larger scale
A war which must be fought

-Crystal Kimberly (me:])

Perfectly Imperfect

June 22 & 23rd Lobbying in Washington D.C.
For more information :
Every war has an end. So lets finally end this one.
Spread the word, spread the love, and most of all spread the peace.
The Rescue was a huge success with over 100 cities all over the world being rescued by some of the most significant moguls. Now it is time to spread our wings and use our voices even more to finally end the suffering of thousands of innocent children in Uganda.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Dream

So in life we all have our dreams. We all have our goals and our standards in which we would like to live up to. Not only for ourselves but for others as well. I personally and utterly believe that if someone has the underlying passion for something that nothing can or will be strong enough to stand in the way. Undoubtedly in my mind obstacles are merely the things in which you see when you take your eyes off of your goal. Life is full of many opportunities, and you must venture into them with an open mind, a beating heart, and a thriving determination. If at some points in your journey you run into obstacles, you must fight through them. If you love something enough you will jump over anything to accomplish it. Your eyes, your heart, and your feet will bring you to your life, your destiny, your fate, your love, and your goals. Whatever it may be...fight for it. Nothing in life worth it is easily given. Everything you fight for,and everything you love is worth the time, the patience, the love , and the fight. I, myself, personally have a secret love in which I can not go a day without thinking about. I wake up thinking about it and I go to bed thinking about it. Why? I really can not tell you. Is it even realistic? Probably not. But am I IN love with it? (Yes I said IN LOVE.)Yes I am. After much contemplation I have decided that if someone can't live a day without thinking about something, they always partake in it, and it always makes them happy, then it is worth the time and effort, realistic or not. Fight for your dreams, no matter what they are. Do not allow anyone to tell you you can not accomplish them or you aren't good enough, et cetera. If it means enough to you, go get it. & if people are telling you those things, use that in your defense and drive that much harder to prove them wrong. Never give up on something, because you do not want to look back and regret anything. You want to at least know that you put everything you had into something. That you utterly used your entire soul to obtain something. That is love. And I have written a poem about a love in which will encompass my life for eternity. It may seem silly, it may seem crazy and it may seem unrealistic, but i don't care. This is my life, and I will live it how I want to live it. I love what I love. I am who I am, and I only have to make sense to myself. What makes me happy does, and I am proud of it. You have the freedom to pass judgement and opinions, but if you know me, then you know how important this all really is. Furthermore; your DREAMS are important, and don't ever let anyone ever down play them...ENJOY:) && let me know what you think!

(sorry guys I had to take the actual poem down )

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"The actions you take today, will echo in eternity..."

April 25,2009
Invisible Children
115 Cities
10 Countries
ONE statement...
Free Joseph Kony's Child Soldiers!
Attention needs to be brought to this issue and in order for this to happen WE need to form together to make the difference. Just because we aren't seeing this crisis in our everyday lives here in America, doesn't mean that it isn't important!

Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 25, 2009

"No more pain, No more sufferin', Just start dancing and shine in the love "

Monday, April 13, 2009

Support The Rescue - April 25th

Support- April 25th. All over the world in 115 cities. One statement will make a huge movement come alive. to sign up and get more information:)

Sunday, April 12, 2009


"Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days
And you dont know how or why, but youve lost your way
Have no fear when your tears are fallin
I will hear your spirit callin
And I swear
Ill be there come what may
When you have no light to guide you
And no one to walk to walk beside you
I will come to you
Oh I will come to you
When the night is dark and stormy
You wont have to reach out for me
I will come to you
Oh I will come to you..."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You are who you are.


Don't run away from who you are.

Embrace it:)

In life you are going to be thrown through many obstacles. You may have to endure things you never deemed possible. However; you may live your ultimate dream. You may find a path you are fit to walk. One in which you are fit to not be lost on. Whether you feel like you are constantly having to overcome obstacles or you are in a state of utter happiness you are who you are and you can't forget that.

There are times when people get so wrapped up in their surroundings that they tend to only focus on what is going on around them and not inside of them. This sometimes leads them to lose who they are as a person. Ultimately this is sometimes conceived as being fake. From my experience the difference between the two is this:
When a person is so caught up on things in which they can't control, on things that shouldn't be their main worry, and on things in which don't really matter they sometimes lose who they are as a person. This shouldn't be mistaken for being fake. Those people are those whom for instance; have gone through heartbreak and have lost someone they love so much and no longer know who they are, or someone who has just overtime been placed in an uncomfortable environment and they have lost themselves. FAKE is different. This is when someone has actually chosen to not be real. Someone who pretends to be something that they are not. They lead people to believe that they are one person, when they really aren't. I have said many times that it is significant in life to be real. To be who you are and not change for anyone. Being you is essential if you want to not only have others respect you, but for you to ultimately have respect for YOURSELF. You won't get anywhere in life being a fake individual. Once a person stops being real, they tend to lose all aspects of respect, all trust people have in them, and inevitably reputations are burst and lost.

Just because you aren't perfect (noone is, and nothing is) doesn't mean you should hide the REAL you. I personally think that ones imperfections are their best qualities. When you look in the mirror and question yourself, that could be the time that someone out there could be looking at you in utter amazement. I think that imperfection is beautiful. As I always say being Perfectly Imperfect is something in which everyone grasps and should hold onto. There is someone out there whom may hear your words, see your tears, feel your happiness, smell your scent, and taste your love and think its the most gorgeous thing in this world. So why become a fake, stereotypical individual? Being different is amazing. No two people are the same, and to want to be pretend to be something that isn't you, is shameful. (In my mind) Personally I think you should embrace who you are. You should love your life and every realm of it. Ofcourse people run into obstacles, but fighting through those obstacles is critical . It makes it actually worth it. Some individuals think that what they see in the magazines, on television screens, or in clubs is what they should look like or act like. However; YOU should NOT. And sadly there are people out there who intentionally create lies in order to lead others on to believing they are one person. When they honestly are the opposite.

Be proud of who you are. Love your life and the people in it. Your family and true friends will embrace who you really are. In today's world is important to never lose yourself. To never forget where you came from, and to ultimately not forget your morals and principles on the way. It is a tough world, but we were put here for a reason. Each of us has a path in which we must endeavor onto. One in which will make a difference. Now that difference may be on others or on you. That is a choice you must make. . .

Perfectly Imperfect
-Crystal Kimberly

Saturday, April 4, 2009


You can't have a better tomorrow if you're always thinking about yesterday. - C.Roth

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Smile, because you don't know whose life it will change:).

Saturday, March 21, 2009


"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else"


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Invisible Children

Invisible because
No records are kept of their numbers or age

Invisible because

Their own armies deny they exist

Invisible because

They simply vanish...

Three guys. A video camera. 300 dollars = One movement...

What started out as a filmmaking adventure in the Spring of 2003 transformed into much more when three guys from Southern California discovered a tragedy that both disgusted and inspired them, a tragedy where children are both the weapons and the victims...

Jason Russell, Lauren Poole, and Bobby Bailev were in search of a story. With three hundred dollars in their pockets and a camera in their hands they traveled to Uganda. A brief overview goes as is...It all goes back to when the British colonized Uganda. They gave jobs and education opportunities to the Southern Ugandan's however; the Northern Ugandan's were forced to become laborers. After their independence the Northerners rebeled and since then the South and North have fought each other for the utter control of Uganda. In the South Yuweri Musevini came to power (1986) which caused the northerns to rebel. A boy, Joseph Kony joined a group of rebel fighters known as the Lords Resistant Army. (LRA) He rose up to leadership claiming spiritural powers and promised success to those whom fought with him. However; Kony never reached the overcoming of Musevini whom is still President of Uganda today. Over the years Kony began to lose the support of his people. This caused him, out of frustration, to brutally attack them which led him to begin to abduct children to fight for his rebellion. In the last TWO decades Kony has kidnapped well over thirty thousand children for his army. In the year of 1996 Musevini forced the Acholi tribe into Displacement camps. Originally meant to protect the people, the conditions were so horrendous, a THOUSAND die every week waiting for emergency relief.
HOW does one man, Joseph Kony, have the power to terrorize MILLIONs? Well the people of Uganda believe Joseph Kony has spiritual power, that he walks on water, that his eyes turn red, and when the people of Uganda hear his name they run the other way. Kony has made the lives of millions of people miserable and he purely lives for evil. Those whom try to reach peace with Kony and make a peace offering usually do not come back alive. The power and influence this man has over thousands of individuals is unreal. He, himself, believes that he is a god. He mutilates children, and causes masacres were 300 children are killed at one time. Every peace talk has failed, and this war has continued on for the past twenty three years. Ninety percent of Kony's army are children.
A documentary was made "Invisible Children" by Bobby, Lauren, and Jason, which explains the longest running war to ever occur in Africa. It focuses on these children whom are forced to sleep in the streets in fear of abductions. Night commuters flee the rebels and their leader Joseph Kony. Because of this flee, people are living with no jobs, and therefore; the children barely have clothes on their backs. No education is given to them and they have no desire to live. Jacob, a young boy in Uganda, told Bobby, Jason, and Lauren that he does not want to live anymore. That he would rather be dead. To hear a small child utter words of that sort is the most heartbreaking thing a human can handle.
A bracelet campaign was started in order to raise money for these children and in order to help end the war. These bracelets are actually made by the children in Uganda and each one represents the story of a child affected by this neverending war. The proceeds from these bracelets go back to Uganda to provide mentors and education for the children. At this point the three boys recruited more individuals and what once was a small story became a national movement. They began to tour around the country and get the word out about this horrific happening. A nation wide event was also created in order to bring more awareness to the situation called the Global Night Commute. And in April of 2006 eighty thousand people left their homes and slept in their downtown city district just like the Invisible Children in Northern Uganda.
So many children in Uganda are going unseen, and their beautiful faces are becoming nothing but invisible. This movement is life changing, and I have never been so passionate about helping a cause before. I have taken part in displace me, I have seen the documentary multiple times, and I have done so much in the organization thus far and my ultiimate goal is to go on tour and spread the word enough to finally end this war. These children are innocent yet are losing their lives, their families, their smiles, their hearts, and their hope. And for what? For a war that does not need to be occuring. HELP! Please everyone take the time and learn more about these children. They are amazing and they inspire me as a person. All these children want are normal things in life. They too want to have a profession, many want to be doctors, teachers, and lawyers. And for what purpose. They all say they want to take part in these jobs in order to help other kids and keep all safe, healthy, and free.

Go to to learn more. There is a worldwide tour beginning in April in order to continue the word and to ultimately get the children who are forced to take part in Kony's army OUT! When it comes down to it, yes these children are brutally murdering other individuals but they are being forced to. If they do not do so they will be killed, and not just killed by tortured and left to suffer. Also not only will they themselves be killed but all of their family as well.

Help these children get their lives back. Relieve their pain, whether they are girls whom are being raped at the ages of 10 or guys watching their brothers being murdered in front of them. Those whom are told if they cry they will die, those whom are told if they don't do what they are told they will not see the light of tommorow.
Making a difference in one person's life is more than I could ask for out of my own.... How about you?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reason for everything?

"It disgusts and inspires"

-Dan Eldon-

Do you ever sit at home sometimes and just question things? Why this happened, or why that happened? We all do at some point of our lives. The power of our thoughts is incredible. We could sit and analyze a situation in so many different ways and for so long and still not come up with the reason for it..
Too often I am asked if I believe if everything happens for a reason? And my answer for that question will always be yes. OVERALL, rather in general, I believe that in this world, most things have a reason behind them. However; there ARE instances that are just purely unexplainable. I believe in this world without sadness we wouldn't experience happiness. Without heartache we wouldn't know what love really felt like. And you don't know how precious the gift of smiling is until you can't do it. Moreover; things happen, in my opinion, whether good or bad, to show the rest of the world. People are sufferring around the world, but people are also looking at those whom are suffering and realizing the amount of joy they have in their own lives. As much as the suffering disgusts everyone to see, it also inspires those same individuals to do something about it. From those in which are suffering comes a lesson to those belittling their actual joy. They begin to learn of the true amount of joy that encompasses their lives and how they should treasure it as others are living a life with no real joy. Now let me get this straight. I am not condoning suffering in any way shape or form. Rather, I am trying to look at things from a different perspective. Really when it comes down to it, who really decides in this world who is going to have a life full of suffering, a life without love, a life without the simple ability to smile? Vice versa, who is going to have that amazing life, living on a beach with no worries about debt from college, or how your next meal will be on the table? It is unfair, and its horrible some of the things people go through in their everyday lifes.

However; it's life. We must do all we can to help those suffering, those crying, those unhappy, and those lacking love. We must supply them with all the help, care, love, smiles, et cetera that we can and show others how to appreciate what they have. We must express to others not to take life and what life has brought them for granted because others do not have that simplicite luxury.

This leads me into my main reason for this blog. My next topic, something I am so incredibly passionate about. Invisible Children.

Monday, March 9, 2009


"In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away"


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dislikes and Likes in this world...:)

I really dislike the liars
But love a life full of desires
Forget about the fakes
And the tremendous heart aches
Love living in the moment
And jamming out to tunes
With air full of Optomistic scent
A Sky full of balloons
Freezing in the cold
Is really getting old
But I really like laying in the sun
Or being with a loved one
It angers me when people take things for granted
I love closing my eyes and dreaming of a world enchanted
I love to be loved
And hate to be shoved
Being Spontaneous
Enjoying the miscellaneous
Road trips, flower fights, and car sufing too
I've always wanted to get a tattoo
I hate procrastination
However; it's what I always do
It fills me with frustration
Much like deja vous
I love getting lost in conversation
However; I hate imitation
Singing fills my heart and soul
I lust losing utter control
I love temptations
But hate commercials on radio stations
Rock and Roll has ruined my life
However; Someday I'd like to be a darling wife
Corny musicals and movies make me smile
Laughing makes life purely worthwhile
I hate those subdued in depression
Or those without any expression
I love to question things on this Earth
I take it for what it is worth
The stars mean the world to me
And Riley will always be my baby
I dislike the color brown
And I HATE when I see a clown
The Dentist will be my hell
And sometimes I can't stand to spell
I love bright colors, they keep me sane
When life is good, you shouldn't complain
Ice cream, chocolate, and peanut butter keep me satisfied
I hate hiding things on the inside
I love imperfection
It makes life interesting
I love feeling protection
And I want a dang peace ring!
New York City is by far my favorite place
I hate how somethings in life we cant rewind and erase
I love to write
And I hate to fight
Texting occupies my days
And I love to be amazed
Volunteering, running, and keeping busy
Sometimes all at once makes me completely dizzy
I love the moments where I can't breath
Or when my heart skips a beat
I hate when someone I need does leave
It makes life incomplete
I love the moments that are to live for
The Past, the Present, and The future
Time to put memories in my drawer
Overall I need to feel secure
Living, laughing, and loving, never to forget
I hate when people live in regret
I love to be who I am today
And I love to live in the U.S. of A.

Life is what you make it
So fill it with your dreams
Make it totally epic
And take it to your extremes....