Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Who are we?

When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Have you ever wondered what people see when they look at you? Do you ever just sit and think, who am I? And what do I want to do ? I mean, call me crazy but I do it all the time. Thinking can probably be seen as a problem of mine, ha ha. I tend to do it all too much. Of course, thinking is essential in life, however; is there such a thing as TOO much thinking. I was asked last night how I can write so much. How do I not run out of things to write about? I mean I write every single day. I guess I just have a lot inside, a lot that I want to share, and a lot that I have gone through. I guess my life is like a book, and we are in the beginning chapters. For only being twenty-one I have experienced a lot, met many people, and lived a great life. But to be honest It has not been nearly even close to what I want to do, see, and venture into. I am sitting outside on my front porch a cool, breezy, June day in my home town. Now this town is nothing like you may think. It is small, and when I say small I mean it. Ha ha. We have our own mini movie theatre, where the movies I might add, are less than 5 dollars. We have a high school, a middle school, and three elementary schools. A police/fire station, a Walmart (of course), and a park. Amongst other little places this town is preoccupied with familiar faces you tend to see on a daily basis. Growing up as a small town girl, as it may seem easy, it sometimes poses some hardships. There is UN-needed and UN-wanted drama, everyone knows everything about everyone, and you have to make your own fun. (For instance; things like car surfing.)
Now, let me tell you I am not one for drama. I actually hate it and try to avoid it at all expenses. However; as I said living in a small town there is always drama. People enjoy starting drama to keep life interesting, when in reality I find it obnoxious and a waste of time and life in general. Life is a gift we are all given and we should live it with joy and love. Forget the petty stuff. Forget the lame rumors, and forget the obnoxious things being said. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. You can't let others control how you feel, what you do, and who you will become. That is where coming from a small town comes in handy. The people I have met here have made me such a better person. Whether I was in love with them, or they were my closest friends. I have grown from each and every experience and I have this small town to thank for that. Yes, there is your occasional drama starting punk (lol-didn't know how to phrase that), but the people here are for the most part real. As opposed to those in other big cities only looking out for themselves, small town friends are ones who are going to not only push through lives for themselves, but they are going to be doing it while holding your hand and bringing you along. I can't help but think who I would have become if I grew up in a place like L.A. or N.Y.C? As much as I would like to convince myself that I would turn out to be the same person, there is always that curiosity. I mean lets be honest. The people that grown up in L.A., in Hollywood, etc have a completely different lifestyle than those from small towns. But anyway...
So who are we? All I can say is when you look in the mirror, I hope you are smiling, because life is nothing short of a great time full of love all around us. Who am I? I am a newly turned twenty-one year old with a big heart and with huge hopes and dreams for myself, but more importantly for my friends and family. I am one who sees so much potential in those around me, that all I want to do is help in anyway for them to reveal that potential inside, and to get them to stop hiding behind their shadows. For instance; Cory Jackson. He is basically my little brother. I love him so much. He is one of the most amazing guitarists I have been able to witness. Not only is he Ahh-mazing at guitar, in a band called Stuck on Stupid (check em out;]), but he is the sweetest, most caring and driven kid I have ever come into contact with. He would give you the shirt off his back if you lacked one. Moreover; he is the kind of person that gives you a hug when he knows something is wrong and no one else does. Ultimately If you were to look up the word inspiration in the dictionary his picture would be there. I know this sounds crazy, but I am being as true as the sky is blue. He is all these amazing things and inspires me in more ways than one. I can never NOT smile when around him, I can never be upset when he is around. He just exuberates this presence I can't even begin to explain. But as we know noone is perfect, and Cory's only imperfection is his lack of belief in his potential as much as I and others believe in him. He could be on stage with anyone he wanted to be on stage with, and he has so much inside, but he is hesitant to branch out and attack it. I mean ofcourse he has confidence, as he should. However; there is so much more he could do, but doesn't believe he could. That is what these small town friends are for. They are there to help you get off your butt and believe in yourself as much as they do. They are there to make you smile when you feel like you have forgotten what a smile is. They are there when life seems too tough to get out of bed. They are there to turn your rainy day into a sunny one. As corny as this all sounds, it is really true.
The point of this blog is to basically say: never forget where you come from. My hometown is a small one, but it has a big heart<3 . Yes every place has its faults, but it will always be home. I am not going to lie, I do want to venture on to new places, but when I do that I will never forget where I grew up, who my true friends are and the love I have received from this small town I call home.

I am a Tartan, and I am proud of it. lol

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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