Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reason for everything?

"It disgusts and inspires"

-Dan Eldon-

Do you ever sit at home sometimes and just question things? Why this happened, or why that happened? We all do at some point of our lives. The power of our thoughts is incredible. We could sit and analyze a situation in so many different ways and for so long and still not come up with the reason for it..
Too often I am asked if I believe if everything happens for a reason? And my answer for that question will always be yes. OVERALL, rather in general, I believe that in this world, most things have a reason behind them. However; there ARE instances that are just purely unexplainable. I believe in this world without sadness we wouldn't experience happiness. Without heartache we wouldn't know what love really felt like. And you don't know how precious the gift of smiling is until you can't do it. Moreover; things happen, in my opinion, whether good or bad, to show the rest of the world. People are sufferring around the world, but people are also looking at those whom are suffering and realizing the amount of joy they have in their own lives. As much as the suffering disgusts everyone to see, it also inspires those same individuals to do something about it. From those in which are suffering comes a lesson to those belittling their actual joy. They begin to learn of the true amount of joy that encompasses their lives and how they should treasure it as others are living a life with no real joy. Now let me get this straight. I am not condoning suffering in any way shape or form. Rather, I am trying to look at things from a different perspective. Really when it comes down to it, who really decides in this world who is going to have a life full of suffering, a life without love, a life without the simple ability to smile? Vice versa, who is going to have that amazing life, living on a beach with no worries about debt from college, or how your next meal will be on the table? It is unfair, and its horrible some of the things people go through in their everyday lifes.

However; it's life. We must do all we can to help those suffering, those crying, those unhappy, and those lacking love. We must supply them with all the help, care, love, smiles, et cetera that we can and show others how to appreciate what they have. We must express to others not to take life and what life has brought them for granted because others do not have that simplicite luxury.

This leads me into my main reason for this blog. My next topic, something I am so incredibly passionate about. Invisible Children.

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