Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Simple Complex Life

Life relates much to that of this picture above. Such simplicity to look at, but an underlying, intriguing complexity behind each reflection, each wave or distraction, and each minute that goes by...

I find myself running into the same question from time to time. Throughout life we all must go through our own tribulations, our own struggles, and our own challenges. But once those challenges are overcome do they really go away or are they masqueraded behind new challenges and troubles? When one storm passes, doesn't another one follow along soon after? I guess my question to the world is does time really heal us or does life just offer better distractions in the mean while? When pondering this question many things come to the surface. For instance; how does anyone truly heal from a broken heart, a lost loved one, or even failure? Are we truly going through a process of healing our hearts, our minds, and our souls, or do we merely run into bigger distractions that help take our focus off that certain healing process? This then poses another question. Why do people always find the need to say cliche statements like; "Only time will tell" or "Give it time?" I find these declarations to be undeniably repetitive and they essentially have lost all meaning behind the actual words. It's as if they are used as a filler in conversations when their is a loss for words. When it comes down to it we all have our own opinions, but mine remains at the same stance it always will.

Time is a valuable part of our lives. It offers many opportunities for those to grow, to learn, to prosper, and even to "heal" in some circumstances. However; whether it is a hot summer day in the middle of July, or a frosted night in December those whom are subdued in a troublesome environment are not healing because of time. Healing is a much more in depth, complex process as opposed to the simplicity of a clock ticking. Healing encompasses forgiveness, acceptance, reconcile, restoration, and in some cases learning to forget the undesirable occurrences. As a clock strikes twelve the feeling someone endures is still there, it doesn't disappear with time. On the opposing end there are situations where we can easily forgive, and accept, but many never forget. This is pure evidence that we truly don't always and completely heal, of course depending on the situation. Yes, we can go day to day growing to exhibit a better attitude towards the engagement, but this better attitude is arising from distractions that encircle us rather than our insides genuinely healing. The time that is lingering on comes with distractions such as; a job, school, friends, family, etc. And these things encompass our lives in a way that we are somewhat forced to push the troubles out of our mindset.

The way to ultimately heal is to take the situation for what it is. Accept it, endure it, and fight it. That is where time does come into play. It takes time for an individual to sit down and accept the life they have been dealt, and even after accepting and enduring it many can't fight it. The circumstances are then much different and the problems actually begin to consume those individuals- Much like the loss of a loved one. How do you tell someone who lost their ten year old son in a car accident that "With time it'll get better." When in reality that's not the case at all. Moreover; sometimes the time that passes after a tribulation occurs does quite the opposite of healing. It can cause someone to subdue themselves at a level we ought to never reach. Therefore; Does time really heal? No it doesn't. Time is part of an in depth process that is sometimes washed away by life's distractions. The complexity is much more than words can begin to describe, but ultimately healing is a process we must all learn to deal within order to prosper in each of of our lives.

The Simple Complex Life is much more than what meets the eyes. You must take it as it comes to you and rather than washing away each sea shell,or each tribulation, grasp them. Take them for what they are, for the unique imperfections they bring to your life and learn from them. If you allow the waves of life to masquerade your problems time can never work in your favor. Time can never be the only part of your "Healing" process. Thus each sea shell of life comes with it's own wave, it's own distraction. We must be able to fight that wave in order to genuinely become part of the ocean, rather a part of ourselves as a whole. Accepting, forgiving, and forgetting are all just part of the life we live. Moreover; the time that it takes us to do those things is an intricate part of the healing process, but it isn't THE healing process.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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