Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Plastic Faces

When you walk out into world wouldn't you like to think that every person that passes by is a genuine, whole-hearted, 'real' person? Unfortunately that is far from reality. As you endeavor into new chapters of your life, you will run into many familiar as well as many new faces. The challenge that lies here is your ability to differentiate between those you should trust and those whom you should not. One thing I have learned thus far in life is that there are rarely true, real, good-hearted people in this world. Embracing the ones you find is a something extraordinary. It's something worthy of time consumption and maintaining. However; as it may seem like people are sincere in life, most unfortunately are consumed by the 'ideal/perfect' world media and masks have conceptualized over the years. Whether it's the way people act, feel, portray themselves, look, etc. Ultimately I think its time for a foundation to be built of what people NEED to take the time to look into in order to know what life really is and not what life is masquerading behind in news titles, heartbreaks, or plastic surgery.

It's actually quite sad how people lose themselves in fear of not being the 'norm'. They change who they are inside and out in order to be like the next person rather than embodying who they truly are. We've been accustomed to a world where everyone sees how people are accepted only when they look a certain way, act in a particular manner, or come from a certain family name. What ever happened to being unique? What happened to being who we wanted to be. To being an original? I never thought people would ever get to the point where they were afraid to be themselves. What is normal anyway? The media has formed this unattainable, flawless image that people sadly feel they need to live up to in order to be normal. But really, I disagree completely. Normal? There is no such thing. Everyone is their own person and it is okay to say 'I am who I am, and I am proud of it.' Screw what everyone else thinks of you. Why lose your morals, your loves, your dreams- just because someone else thinks they aren't right? What's right is being happy. I say we stop tormenting our souls with questions on how we can 'fit in' and rather we defer from it. We should strive to be different.

However; People continue to subdue to this fake environment. Thus they begin to do anything to be successful and to put themselves first. Losing who you are comes with consequences. These fake individuals portray to be someone they are obviously not and in the process they throw those around them under the bus. They judge when they have no right to judge. They minuscule what others want out of life in hopes they can begin to overtake. They forget what they love and they masquerade themselves behind material things in order to make up for a lack of personality. Ultimately there are a lot of people who are focused on their cruel intentions rather than on the good in the world. Sad, but true. Think about it...Why is everyone looking to be the same? Why can't we put all aside and grow in an individualistic way. Forget the redundancy, stop wishing you were something else, and be YOU. Who cares what other people say. Bottom line is just because others say something is right or wrong doesn't mean they are right. Only you know who you truly are and what you really want. So embracing that is up to YOU. Don't place blame on others for what you have become, don't not be you because of your ultimate fear of not being accepted. Who cares?! My motto is 'Do you.' and that's it. It's the only way to be 'real'. It's the only way to not get caught up in the plastic realm of life. So if you want need to go out there and make change for yourself. You can't wait for it to happen in fake atrocities. Its up to you and your heart to find yourself for who you really are...It's your take control....

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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