Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Happiness: A state of mind or feeling such as contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.

But is it that simple? Is happiness in ones life really just a state of contentment, of satisfaction, pleasure, and joy? To be perfectly honest I do not agree with the simplicity of the definition in the dictionary. I think as words come into our lives, as new words are discovered, and as each individual in this world experiences new adventures, each person develops their own meaning for those words.
Happiness to me? Well the first things that pop into my mind when that word is brought up are; Family, friends, music, writing, spontaneous adventures, volunteering, sun, city lights, support, calla lilies, financial stability, living life in the moment, laughter all around me, dance parties and singing loudly, making a difference in someones life, keeping busy, health, no worries, and most importantly love. There are more things, actually the list could continue to go on for miles. Everyone has things that all add up to equal happiness in their lives. Each person is different. Each individual is unique. Each individual is precious in their own way. Some are happy with buying fancy things or spoiling their children (in a good way), and some are purely happy with being able to put a meal on the table for their family and just seeing a smile of their child's face.
Here is my logic. Whatever makes you happy, whether it is singing your heart out, writing your thoughts to the world, spending time with friends and family, et cetera, do it. You only get one life to live and why bother waste it worrying about every little thing going on. If you have to choose between taking the safe route and being happy, to be completely honest if you are going to be miserable every single time you take the safe route, take a chance and do what is going to bring that smile across your face, in your heart, and in your soul. Evidently when you make yourself happy you tend to exhuberate that happiness on to others. And those then exhuberate it so on so forth. Life is a gift we were given from God (or from whom or whatever you believe in) . Take it for what it is and take risks, jump fences, and do what you want and not what others want for you. Those whom care about you will accept you for you and for what makes you happy and ultimately they will be happy for you too. People grow. People change. And that is okay. Actually it is great! I love who I am, and I am proud of who I am and I am proud of how I was brought up to be, because it made me a good person. I know the meaning of a good life, the meaning of love and whats right or wrong. I feel noone should ever be ashamed of who they are or where they came from, because that ultimately has made you who you are today.
When I close my eyes and ponder happiness, ponder my getaway; all I can think of is family gatherings, friends all around, music blaring, the potential for a stage to be more than a fantasy, big city life, yet a calm beach atmosphere, a life of laughter, and no sadness. A life of helping others and ultimately making a difference in the world.
What is your getaway? What is your happiness? Think about it...And then do it!

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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