Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beautiful Disaster

Right now the birds are chirping, its 4:06 a.m. and I can not sleep. This is what happens when I think and type::

Sometimes we walk through life with those looking over our shoulders. And sometimes we dread the time that passes and inevitably makes us older. Consequences come from every decision. Just as stiches with each and every incision. Living up to expectations, trying to be unique. Creating your own visions and avoiding the constant critique. Life contains no guarentees. For you can climb and just as fast fall. Everything comes with it's small fees. Trying to be at all beck and calls. A life can be a beautiful disaster. Making things happen just a little faster. The good and bad. Reminiscing on all in which you've had. At times delirious. Atempting to never take anything too serious. Loving what you love. And inventing moments never heard of. Speaking ones mind. A sincere effort to leave nothing behind. Making a mess and then sweeping it under the closest rug. For in love you obsess, because it's as addicting as the next drug. A heart once broke. Memories burnt into smoke. A heart now stronger than ever. Ready for it's very next endeavor. Beating in the echos across the room. No longer afraid behind a costume. Some things unsaid. Not knowing what is ahead. Quietly some assume. While others are stuck to consume.
Not listening to a word. For the eyes tell more. With each humming bird, a new adventure ready to explore. One things wrong. The next is right. Losing yourself in the song or the words in which you write. Things may seem to hit rock bottom. Breathless at times. Senses become numb. Attempting to build a wall in which your heart climbs. Stuck in one spot. Craving adventure. Making an impression, never to be forgot. Undoubtely your last venture.

Crystal Kimberly
Perfectly Imperfect

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