Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Dream

So in life we all have our dreams. We all have our goals and our standards in which we would like to live up to. Not only for ourselves but for others as well. I personally and utterly believe that if someone has the underlying passion for something that nothing can or will be strong enough to stand in the way. Undoubtedly in my mind obstacles are merely the things in which you see when you take your eyes off of your goal. Life is full of many opportunities, and you must venture into them with an open mind, a beating heart, and a thriving determination. If at some points in your journey you run into obstacles, you must fight through them. If you love something enough you will jump over anything to accomplish it. Your eyes, your heart, and your feet will bring you to your life, your destiny, your fate, your love, and your goals. Whatever it may be...fight for it. Nothing in life worth it is easily given. Everything you fight for,and everything you love is worth the time, the patience, the love , and the fight. I, myself, personally have a secret love in which I can not go a day without thinking about. I wake up thinking about it and I go to bed thinking about it. Why? I really can not tell you. Is it even realistic? Probably not. But am I IN love with it? (Yes I said IN LOVE.)Yes I am. After much contemplation I have decided that if someone can't live a day without thinking about something, they always partake in it, and it always makes them happy, then it is worth the time and effort, realistic or not. Fight for your dreams, no matter what they are. Do not allow anyone to tell you you can not accomplish them or you aren't good enough, et cetera. If it means enough to you, go get it. & if people are telling you those things, use that in your defense and drive that much harder to prove them wrong. Never give up on something, because you do not want to look back and regret anything. You want to at least know that you put everything you had into something. That you utterly used your entire soul to obtain something. That is love. And I have written a poem about a love in which will encompass my life for eternity. It may seem silly, it may seem crazy and it may seem unrealistic, but i don't care. This is my life, and I will live it how I want to live it. I love what I love. I am who I am, and I only have to make sense to myself. What makes me happy does, and I am proud of it. You have the freedom to pass judgement and opinions, but if you know me, then you know how important this all really is. Furthermore; your DREAMS are important, and don't ever let anyone ever down play them...ENJOY:) && let me know what you think!

(sorry guys I had to take the actual poem down )

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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