Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You are who you are.


Don't run away from who you are.

Embrace it:)

In life you are going to be thrown through many obstacles. You may have to endure things you never deemed possible. However; you may live your ultimate dream. You may find a path you are fit to walk. One in which you are fit to not be lost on. Whether you feel like you are constantly having to overcome obstacles or you are in a state of utter happiness you are who you are and you can't forget that.

There are times when people get so wrapped up in their surroundings that they tend to only focus on what is going on around them and not inside of them. This sometimes leads them to lose who they are as a person. Ultimately this is sometimes conceived as being fake. From my experience the difference between the two is this:
When a person is so caught up on things in which they can't control, on things that shouldn't be their main worry, and on things in which don't really matter they sometimes lose who they are as a person. This shouldn't be mistaken for being fake. Those people are those whom for instance; have gone through heartbreak and have lost someone they love so much and no longer know who they are, or someone who has just overtime been placed in an uncomfortable environment and they have lost themselves. FAKE is different. This is when someone has actually chosen to not be real. Someone who pretends to be something that they are not. They lead people to believe that they are one person, when they really aren't. I have said many times that it is significant in life to be real. To be who you are and not change for anyone. Being you is essential if you want to not only have others respect you, but for you to ultimately have respect for YOURSELF. You won't get anywhere in life being a fake individual. Once a person stops being real, they tend to lose all aspects of respect, all trust people have in them, and inevitably reputations are burst and lost.

Just because you aren't perfect (noone is, and nothing is) doesn't mean you should hide the REAL you. I personally think that ones imperfections are their best qualities. When you look in the mirror and question yourself, that could be the time that someone out there could be looking at you in utter amazement. I think that imperfection is beautiful. As I always say being Perfectly Imperfect is something in which everyone grasps and should hold onto. There is someone out there whom may hear your words, see your tears, feel your happiness, smell your scent, and taste your love and think its the most gorgeous thing in this world. So why become a fake, stereotypical individual? Being different is amazing. No two people are the same, and to want to be pretend to be something that isn't you, is shameful. (In my mind) Personally I think you should embrace who you are. You should love your life and every realm of it. Ofcourse people run into obstacles, but fighting through those obstacles is critical . It makes it actually worth it. Some individuals think that what they see in the magazines, on television screens, or in clubs is what they should look like or act like. However; YOU should NOT. And sadly there are people out there who intentionally create lies in order to lead others on to believing they are one person. When they honestly are the opposite.

Be proud of who you are. Love your life and the people in it. Your family and true friends will embrace who you really are. In today's world is important to never lose yourself. To never forget where you came from, and to ultimately not forget your morals and principles on the way. It is a tough world, but we were put here for a reason. Each of us has a path in which we must endeavor onto. One in which will make a difference. Now that difference may be on others or on you. That is a choice you must make. . .

Perfectly Imperfect
-Crystal Kimberly

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