Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello Goodbye

There are those whom live in routine. Those who do the same thing every morning from the moment they wake up to the second they close their eyes at night. Yet, I am not one of those people. I like change. Actually, I love change. I love the idea of doing something different everyday. I love to think that one second I could be living in the suburbs of New York and in a matter of a few months I could be moved across the country to where ever I find necessary for the life I want. I love to keep life interesting. I love to live in the moment and I love to also plan for the future as well. At times I am content with the life I live now. Yet, at times I am so consumed in class or work that I forget to think about what actual living feels like. When you think about it, we tend to spend more time planning our lives rather than actually living them. Moreover; since Freshman year of high school I have planned where I would be in four years, eight years, fifteen years... What college I wanted to go to, what major I would enter into, with what dreams of the future I had? But while I went through high school and into college I hadn't been able to actually live the dreams my mind and heart craved. I have been waiting for eight years for the opportunities others are already living at this point in their lives. Sometimes I get so lost in my grades and in my financial situations that I forget to look at the bigger picture. I forget to stop time and enjoy life. I am so ready for what people call the "real world." Yes, it will be challenging, different, and a huge change. But who doesn't like change and who doesn't want to rise to a challenge. I'm sick of the 9-5 jobs and the classes that occupy my days. I am ready to graduate and do something with that measly piece of paper we call a diploma. Don't get me wrong I am proud of my hard work in all my years of education. A 3.8 GPA is not easily gotten, but I am also proud of what I know I can become in the future. I am more intrigued with my potential at this point in my life than with my past. As Amanda Seyfriend sings in Mamma Mia, "I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairytale. You can take the future, even if you fail. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see. I believe in angels, when I know the time is right for me. I'll cross the stream, I have a dream...." I truly know, as of right now, what I want out of life. And that is to make a difference. I want people to know my name, but not for fame or money. I want them to see the abilities that I have and they could potentially have to change the world for the better. Whether that be in the words that they write, the movements they create, the statements they make, or the work they do everyday. Everyone has the potential to make a difference, and I think its imperative to show the world they can do so.
Below is a song / poem a friend of mine ( Kayla ) and I wrote together. It is aimed towards bringing out a feeling of wanting more. The need for change, and the need to make something more of yourself in a new place with new people. Ultimately it is how I find myself feeling more and more as the clock ticks. We both have grown up and experienced rare and irreplaceable things here in this small town. However; we are ready for something larger. Something this small town may not have to offer. We are ready to stop saying no to things we know deep down inside we want to do, but don't because of the underlying responsibility we hold as a student, a daughter, a sister, an employee, et cetera. The feeling we once got from the car surfing, flour fighting, roof jumping life we used to have is no longer the fire we feel inside. (Ofcourse if there was an offer on the table for any of the above we'd never turn it We feel a small flame beginning to grow for a new adventure, a new life, a change. Moreover; our past will always be with us in our hearts, but our future is what we are focusing on now. Yes, we are both looking for a huge change, but not necessarily in ourselves as people. Kayla and I will always be the crazy, outgoing, loud yet quiet at times, spontaneous, up for anything gals we grew up to be, but we'd like to bring that spontaneity to a new place with new dreams. We both have a lot inside of us we are willing to let out and we are just looking for ways to do so. For instance; a clothing line. Yes, you read that right. We have begun the beginning stages of yet another way to express how we feel. So if you have any ideas shoot them our way:) [ More to come on that....]

So...Here it goes. Let me know what you think. Better yet, let me know how YOU feel, because that is what is most important. How do you feel about change, new places, new people, new ways, and new dreams? Just remember, change is okay. It can be good for your soul, you heart, you mind, your body, and ultimately your life.

Hello Goodbye

I'm a small town girl, always will be
In the ever glow of this vivacious city
It's still not enough, not enough to change me
But I believe in second glances
I'm not passing up chances

Goodbye small town sights
Hello big city lights
Here we come, here we come
Goodbye small town life
Hello warm L.A. nights

We've said too much to turn back now
I smiled when I saw your face in the crowd
Cause I'm drowning
In this towns everlasting dust
I'm ready to get out
For what once was love has now become full of utter lust

Goodbye small town tales
Hello big city adventures
Here we come, here we come

Strip me down to my bare essentials
Things will never be the same
Ready to break out and rise above all our potentials
Ready to take over this life we call a game

Goodbye small town yearbooks
Hello new city faces
Goodbye small town minutes
Hello sleepless L.A. places
Here we come, here we come

Ready to leave this small town and go....

Perfectly Imperfect
<3Crystal Kimberly

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