Thursday, December 31, 2009

Question marks of Life

I was reading someones blog this morning and it inspired me to think more in depth. It allowed me to look at the essentials in life, that we seem to overlook, as a critical endeavor. We need to begin to analyze them to a degree in which we can find the truth. Find the truth as to why we fear questions? Why we ultimately fear vulnerability? In a way this blog relates to my latest blog 'Plastic Faces'. Such simplistic relations like someone pretending to know the ins and outs of everything when in reality they clearly do not...

Now it may seem ironic asking a question about questions, but I find it suitable for the topic. Ultimately I don't know the answer...therefore; I am merely attempting to develop a rationale behind it and in order to do that I need to learn. I need YOU to help me develop this underlying goal is to learn. (Something people lack the drive and ability to do anymore these days)

Questions-what are they really? Are they a way to find an answer or are they merely a way to get to know your surroundings, to get to know someone, or even a simplistic way to get to know yourself? The words "I know I hesitate some times to ask even the simplest questions because we as people love to portray confidence and knowledge." were stated in this blog. This statement-as hard as it is to admit-is true for 95% of today's population. Why is it that if we do not know how to do something, we attempt to pretend to know rather than just asking for a hand? We are so consumed in desiring confidence, knowledge, acceptance, and superiority that we lack the ability to admit we need help. It's like we have all built these walls with no windows. We don't want anyone else to see us vulnerable, to see us lack the knowledge to do something. But when you think about it, don't you want to take the opportunity to LEARN how to do that something rather than go through life never knowing? It's like everyone's fear gets in the way of them prospering in life.

Which brings me to my next thought...The picture of a crowded elevator at the top of this blog intrigued me. One question I would like to ask you all is, why are we so fearful to ask others questions about themselves? Why do we not give strangers the opportunity to tell their story? Think about it...Close your eyes and picture walking in Times Square on a Friday afternoon. It's crazy- hundreds of people walking in a fuzz, while hundreds more are in yellow taxi cabs, speeding cars, and buses driving by...That amounts to thousands of people...Imagine how many potential stories there are in one area of the world. Imagine the possibility and the caliber of knowledge one could attain from asking each of those individuals a question about themselves. Yet again, fear has intruded into our lives and has made us incapable of letting go. It's caused us to fear developing a sincere connection with someone-right or wrong-our insecurities cause us to lose out on the potential of an amazing thing. Think of all you could learn from ONE person let alone thousands of them...or even a world of them... It's sad to me how we don't venture into giving people the chance, a mere moment in your life to answer a question. We look strangers in the eyes and really only see the fact that they are a stranger and we avoid any possible confrontation, any unsafe possibilities it may come with. Rather if we took an in depth look into someones soul we could see how each and every person has a life story. They are too someones brother, mother, father, daughter, niece, son, grandmother, best friend, enemy, etc. etc.

When you look at your life, what do you see? I see 21 years of being a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a niece, and a friend. It's been 21 years of adventure. 21 years of ups and downs that we call life, all of which I have been lucky enough to learn new things I never deemed possible. Now if you asked every person what they saw their life encompassing, wouldn't you find it incredible to hear their personal stories? What THEY have learned, who they have met..who they are and who they want to be? I know I would. To think by asking someone a simple question we could learn all this...So why don't we? It's time to disregard any insecurities we may have. It's time to give others a chance to make an impact, and ultimately a difference in our lives. It's time to ask questions...It's time to "gain an honest trust" as Kyle says in his blog. In order to do this we need to let go of our boundaries and venture into the unknown...As this new year approaches-think twice about the person who grazes your shoulder as they walk past you. Think twice about the individual holding the door open for you on your busy lunch hour, think twice about the girl on the subway crying. Everyone has their own story to tell-give them a chance to tell it...Embrace the knowledge this world has the ability to give you...Embrace the hearts that surround you. You never know, someone could change your life-or better yet YOU could change someone else's life...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Oh and check out Kyle's blog-He's got some amazing things to say that could provide you with the answers to YOUR life questions...

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