Monday, August 1, 2011

no longer fixed at zero.

man oh man. hey World! If you haven't noticed--lately writing in this beloved blog of mine has come far and in between with the life i have developed this past year. between the most draining full time job to hours upon hours of passion filled freelance work to finding a second job i have little time to pour my soul to all those who care to read. neglecting this blog-i realized-isn't just hurting those who enjoy the read but myself. i have realized that although very public, this typed diary helps me cleanse. it helps me rid my days of negativity and inhale a positive aora. we all know the positive is necessary to survive in this life we live. the negative i have undoubtedly been rained on by was like a vulcher on my shoulder telling my to give in. to give into the comfort of settling. to give into the unhappy endeavors i was partaking in. to give into the laziness. to give into my biggest fear-failure. never did I think that after 23 years of life i would still be in this small town with barely anything checked off my list. so what you ask is my determination to all of a sudden get out of this quicksand that I unfortunately have been slowly sinking in for a year? well i intend to share with you a bucket list of the things i have already checked off my list but also the things i want to and will complete in the next six months. now six months may seem like a long time..but really is it? what were you doing six months ago? that was back in March. ! . yea people it is already August! we have to get on our goals. whether i am sleeping 8 hrs or 2 hrs a night i will do the things on my list because i know these are the things that make me incredibly happy. they make me who i am. i went from being an incrediblly driven individual to that person who gets caught up in comfort, bills, and busy life. i lost track of me. crystal kimberly. time to change that. no longer will i be fixed at zero but rather i will be reaching for dreams, goals, love, freedom from disappointment and negativity. i will surround myself with only positive passion and fulfillment. and i hope you do the same. my next blog will be the bucket list i intend to complete in the next six months. stay tuned.

much love
Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

p dot s

this is time to become a new vintage me.(i know it sounds like a oxymoron/juxtaposition--but it is what i intend to be...a newer version of the old me)

i love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree. Motivation/drive out the window. Steady salary, bill paying, familiar city, decently comfortable boring life in.

    I'm thinking of applying to teach english abroad next year (fall of 2012). It's the only way to get paid while exploring a new country, which is the only way I'd be able to go. Join?!?!
