Wednesday, August 24, 2011


What is intelligence? When reading into that word what do think of? The dictionary states intelligence is the ability to learn, reason, and understand. But really is that all? Is that it? Does it mean rattling off countless facts that you have accumulated throughout your years, or maybe it means being able to think on your feet? I guess there are many ways to interpret the word intelligence but if you think about it... that is intelligence in itself, isn't it? Conceptualizing and forming an opinion of the true meaning of the word? When attempting to do this I found that the best way to define the word intelligence is to actually define the opposite. What is the adverse to intelligence? Stupid? Dumb? Apathetic? Well...honestly i think it is ignorance. Wouldn't the opposite of the ability and want to learn, reason, and understand be to not care to gain knowledge? Ignorance is the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, and information. Therefore; if someone is ignorant they can't be intelligent...right? When you have the competence to constantly push yourself to learn new things, and accumulate more knowledge you become intelligent. When you remain naive, prideful, and apathetic and stay at a certain level of knowledge without the drive for the improvement of the mind... that is when you become ignorant. Intelligence is all about the grind and continuous determination. It is about taking an initiative to adapt to our rapidly changing society. It is all about growth. Also wouldn't you agree that there are different levels and kinds of intelligence? A social intelligence, artistic intelligence, and that of a factual intelligence? Some individuals are driven socially as opposed to intrinsically. Those that are intrinsic want to solely better themselves, those that are artistic thrive in learning more about the creative intelligence, and then there are those whom are more dependent on the ability to be social.

Intelligence is a word of many meanings. It is much more complex than knowing your ABC's and 123's. Yet the most significant part of the word intelligence is ability. We all have the ability to get to a certain level of intelligence. With some it comes easy, and with others it is developed over a sum of time. Possessing the passion to continue to challenge yourself to grow you increase your level and progress as a person; socially, artistically, factually, and overall. Our brains are like instruments. They have to be tuned from time to time and in that process taken care of. Once we learn how to do so we can grow as individuals and develop into more well rounded beings.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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