Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What does Lovestrong mean to me...?

Lovestrong is much more than just a word. It is much more than just an idea or an emotion. It is much more than an action or a potential. It is a movement. A movement both internally to the individual and external to the masses. We love and enable ourselves to fall victim to vulnerability. We may even lose ourselves in that vulnerability in hopes of gaining just as much love as we give. Well... lovestrong is when we fall so far into vulnerability and then come to the realization that we are much stronger than that. We gain control of ourselves in order to crawl out of that hole of lost emotion. The hole of empty love. The hole of lost thoughts and feelings. Lovestrong is the amazing feeling when you realize how much you're worth. Lovestrong is the incredible dance we dance between the gray shades of black and white of a relationship. It's getting back onto our feet, letting go of the past and our misconceptions of a relationship in which did not work out how we presumed it would. Lovestrong is saying it is okay to be sad and taking that sadness and utilizing it as fuel. Fuel for the heart to be stronger. Fuel for the heart to smile. Fuel for the heart and soul to no longer be governed by rules. It's believing in a better tomorrow even if pain is what you must undergo. it's fully admitting to how you truly feel as opposed to submitting to it. It's transitioning from a caged heart to a freed soul through a fresh start. It is finding peace within and spreading that to all points in your life. Lovestrong is utilizing your wrongs in life in order to inspire your rights in life. Lovestrong is knowing that no matter what ...There is good around the corner and you will do whatever you have to to pick yourself up to get there. Lovestrong is taking your black and blues and ridding them of all pain. it is basically to me the happiness you find in yourself by picking up pieces and utilizing what made them fall apart to better yourself.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

1 comment:

  1. a beautiful word, and a beautiful description of it :)
