Sunday, August 7, 2011

crazy. stupid. love.

Awhile back i wrote a blog that contemplated the rules that govern love. Well through all deliberated viewpoints i say 'screw the rules.' In the time it takes you to learn those rules you have potentially missed out on all the raw emotions and moments. I mean really...what happened to romance? What happened to secret notes being passed + car doors being opened + lame pick up lines + slow dances in the rain in the middle of the street + her favorite flowers + cliches + raw first dates + hopeful forevers + awkward silences + spelling your feelings in candles + picnics on the beach + so on so forth. i mean when someone says 'ohh those things only happen in movies.' Well yea sure... hell why do you think that is? It's because we are all busy saying that + not doing it. romance is not about being lazy and's about the significance of your conversations with someone + knowing what makes them smile...knowing what makes them tick...the significance of GETTING to know all of that about a person. i mean the trip to loving someone is almost equal to when you first realize you DO love them. Effort is the first way to a persons heart, girl or guy. it may be crazy to love someone, it may be stupid to fight for them, but when you find your soul mate their love is worth the fight, the will to never give up. Through all hard, through all good, through all. just a thought i had tonight. a thought we should all think about from time to time.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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