Monday, December 19, 2011


'life is too short to even care at all. I'm losing my mind, my mind, my mind. I'm losing control.' -young the giant.

what is time anyway? is it the days on a calendar and the minutes on a clock? or is time merely something this world has created to make life past by? the past couple months i seem to have lost myself in work - more so than i ever have before. sadly, i work twelve, thirteen, fourteen hour days...and for what? to earn a ultimately break even paying bills? what is the typical response to this statement? well it's 'that's life.' it? or is that what we make life? shouldn't life be more than that? shouldn't life be something we love in and out, upside down and right side up? shouldn't we look forward to the weekdays as much as we do the weekends? shouldn't we enjoy exploring into the seasons while enjoying the one we are currently in? it's hard to reflect on these thoughts when you are always running around doing this and trying to do that...but i have been slapped with reality in the past month and it's made me realize why I've always been a dreamer.

when i was a dreamer dreams came true.

when i settled to being a realist...i fell victim to the accepted 'norm' we call life. i settled to what the typical life is....routine and boring.

not even eight months ago i was driving across the country, working on music videos, being spontaneous, seeing the world in a completely different mindset. I've allowed myself to get caught in the life i never wanted. and guess i slapped myself in the face and woke up. i reminded myself that time isn't something to speed up. time is something we should want to slow down and spend doing things we WANT to do and NEED to do to be ....well happy to say the least.

i refuse to allow tomorrow to be another X on the calendar. i refuse to trade my time for X's. for days lost. before i knew it I looked into the mirror and i've become a twenty three year old. i need to snap out of comfort and typical endeavors in order to really live. i actually am so beyond excited to do so. i love my life and the people in it. i love that everyday i meet someone new. in fact- the other day at work i had an hour long conversation with an individual who works for the United States government. this individual dedicates his life to being the liaison between countries in eastern Africa and the USA fighting for funds to help those with diseases. those that have no ability to help themselves due to the lack of money in their non existent pockets. i learned so much from him and we shared many similarities and passions. he is one of many that i have met who have traveled and seen this world in a different light and it makes me driven to do the same.

it's not enough to want need to fight for it. fighting leads to ability and potential which leads to a chance of doing, which ultimately is living.

everyday i undress new words. everyday i love and i lust. everyday i dream and settle. everyday i ponder and do. everyday i look for ways to improve and everyday i smile. i smile because; i know who i am, what i have done, what i want to do, and what i can do to get to where i want to be. i want to change lives. i do not want to just exist in the mold of things. i want to be the 'exception.' i want to take every second on a clock and do something with that second that will make a difference. cliche and corny? maybe. but that's me:-). take it or leave it. crystal's back yah'll. i can't wait to begin writing on this every week again and sharing a deeper insight into my life and others!

how i have missed you all!! :-)
Much love<3

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Thursday, October 20, 2011


its a beautiful night + a beautiful life.
the look in your eyes + the look in mine.
we are all breakable + we are all extremely strong.
we are all lovely + we are all ugly.
we all fight + we all give up.
we all see half empty glasses but fill them right away.
we all want greener grasses but we all subdue to the empty bottles.
everyone wants to be who they are + everyone falls for who they aren't.
everyone wants to stand out from the crowd + everyone wants to hide behind the shadows of others.
we all try to get what we want + we all fail to get what we need.
we've all been too in love to let it go but we've all been too buried in pain to ever hold on.
we've all been melted by his smile + we've all cried from his words.
we all hate to show emotion but we all sing our feelings from wall to wall.
today is the day we live in, yet tomorrow is the day we strive for.
we all see that special someone like no one else ever will + we all wish we could be the one to show them the view from our eyes.
everyone walks in intending to be ten minutes early + everyone walks in fifteen minutes too late.
the little things intrigue us all but the little things are the secrets we never tell a soul.
we all sing our hearts out behind the wheel of our cars but we all remain silent in front of the judgement of others.
we laugh at what happened when we were young + we all bite our lips from the potential of what will happen when we are older.
there are moments when we surrender to being a good person + their are moments where we drown in bad intentions we hardly admit.
sometimes there is regret swimming in our thoughts but sometimes there is a mannequin of distress that's been all picked up.
many questions reign in our minds....many questions remain unanswered

but my question is- are you the person you envision yourself being?
do you pursue the lovely?
or are you cutting yourself short +
falling to the ugly?

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, September 4, 2011

point of intersection.

was i two years too early or am i two years too late?
did today happen because yesterday didn't?
or did our love come with a due date?

thoughts of the ultimate let go rage in the walls of my mind.
ill move out of the way for you.
for, to me your feelings are undefined.

this cage of rib bones is all there is to protect my heart from what i thought was a forever.
locked behind fragile memories.
two years later i found the lost key of a loves past endeavor.

when was the last time you laughed a true laugh or felt a sincere connection? perfection walked away two years ago by choice.
but what if we were meant to walk into this point of intersection?

should i be singing of giving up for you?
or should i be the stronger person?
+ should i continue to fall deep into each and every point of view?
or would that take this situation but just worsen?

secretly- every wound heals when around your presence.
every worry leaves my soul.
but the good in me says at what expense?
at what emotional tole?

a heart is broken in any direction you choose.
whether you take the right on red or go straight through your gut of green.
this intersection will inevitably leave someone with a bruise.
For who that is, that's a decision completely unforeseen.

i think i am sick of love...or maybe love is sick of me.
a hand no longer held, was letting go + now sitting at this yellow light.
the hardest part was not taking part in what my thoughts wish could be.
For I want to take the book of life, tear two years out, and carefully rewrite.

rewrite my feelings honest from the start
letting go of the fear
avoiding two hearts from ultimately falling apart
showing true, honest love at it's season premiere

the saddest part is i will see you soon.
i will crawl into your arms for a friendly hello.
but my mind will be lost in thoughts of how our hearts are not immune.
they are not immune to all they must undergo

we're not immune to the need for support
we're not immune to knowing our worth + wanting to feel it everyday.
we're not immune to wanting a love that doesn't fall short.
we're not immune to wanting someone to meet you halfway.

your eyes are of all beauty and truth
i won't pretend to feel regret for our hearts eventually mend
not to be lost in the love we feel in youth
but i don't know if i could ever take this situation and just call you a friend.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


What is intelligence? When reading into that word what do think of? The dictionary states intelligence is the ability to learn, reason, and understand. But really is that all? Is that it? Does it mean rattling off countless facts that you have accumulated throughout your years, or maybe it means being able to think on your feet? I guess there are many ways to interpret the word intelligence but if you think about it... that is intelligence in itself, isn't it? Conceptualizing and forming an opinion of the true meaning of the word? When attempting to do this I found that the best way to define the word intelligence is to actually define the opposite. What is the adverse to intelligence? Stupid? Dumb? Apathetic? Well...honestly i think it is ignorance. Wouldn't the opposite of the ability and want to learn, reason, and understand be to not care to gain knowledge? Ignorance is the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, and information. Therefore; if someone is ignorant they can't be intelligent...right? When you have the competence to constantly push yourself to learn new things, and accumulate more knowledge you become intelligent. When you remain naive, prideful, and apathetic and stay at a certain level of knowledge without the drive for the improvement of the mind... that is when you become ignorant. Intelligence is all about the grind and continuous determination. It is about taking an initiative to adapt to our rapidly changing society. It is all about growth. Also wouldn't you agree that there are different levels and kinds of intelligence? A social intelligence, artistic intelligence, and that of a factual intelligence? Some individuals are driven socially as opposed to intrinsically. Those that are intrinsic want to solely better themselves, those that are artistic thrive in learning more about the creative intelligence, and then there are those whom are more dependent on the ability to be social.

Intelligence is a word of many meanings. It is much more complex than knowing your ABC's and 123's. Yet the most significant part of the word intelligence is ability. We all have the ability to get to a certain level of intelligence. With some it comes easy, and with others it is developed over a sum of time. Possessing the passion to continue to challenge yourself to grow you increase your level and progress as a person; socially, artistically, factually, and overall. Our brains are like instruments. They have to be tuned from time to time and in that process taken care of. Once we learn how to do so we can grow as individuals and develop into more well rounded beings.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

nightly gratitudes.

i'm grateful for truth.
i'm grateful for 'if i could then i would'.
i'm grateful for the melody of music.
i'm grateful for knowing what i am worth.
i'm grateful for my abilities to utilize words the way i do.
i'm grateful for the happiness i get whenever he texts.
i'm grateful for coldplay.
i'm grateful for fear being the heart of love.
i'm grateful for weekly lunch dates with my best friend.
i'm grateful for finally being okay with being vulnerable.
+ i'm grateful for hardwork turning into success.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Is love selfish or is it selfish to love?

You know… we lose ourselves in so many things in this life. We get so wrapped up in our time and how to best utilize it. But if you were to think about what you lose yourself most in…that would be our loves wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t you agree that we spend most of our time reaching for the ability to live out our dreams?

Now our loves and dreams may be; our work, our hobbies, our pets or a special person- But regardless we spend so much time devoting ourselves to these loves … why is it that we find ourselves sometimes feeling guilty when we maybe want more for ourselves? Really…don’t we all just want to find ourselves…don’t we all just want to let our guards down and do what makes US happy? Not necessarily something or someone else happy? You will never know what you don’t know …meaning when you let those guards down it could be the best thing that ever happened to you, but you will never know if you keep them up. I learned that a couple years back.

I think there are a small number of truly, good-hearted people in this world--they always put others first. Now this is an amazing attribute to hold however; this good-heartedness comes with a hefty price. What if your love was making other individuals loves come true? What if your love wasn’t as significant to someone else as it was to you. For instance; we have people out there who are not capable of seeing their true abilities to grow. They are fine with settling and they are fine with mediocre ambitions. Well a person like myself is quite the opposite. I set larger than life goals for myself because I know one day I can attain it, because I am very driven. Because of who I am. Someone else may not think that for themselves, which is fine. Yet as a good-hearted person, wouldn’t you want to help motivate and push someone to reach their full capacity..? To reach their potential....just like you do for yourself? It’s human nature to want to do so. When I see someone who has so much talent, or intelligence, or spark and they do nothing with it…I question why? Why does that person not love to love? Why are they okay with settlement? Why do they not partake in activities to attain a richer life? My natural reaction would be to push that person until they saw for themselves their abilities, but another person would just give up. Is that selfish? I have thought about it for the past couple days…and to be honest I don’t think so… I think any ‘normal’ (what is normal anyway?--I hate using that word) rather a lot of people would choose themselves over another. They would choose to let go of helping one reach the ability to love something, in order to maybe spend that time reaching their owns loves. And you know what…I think that’s okay. If you see something in the world that would make your life potentially a better life…wouldn’t you want to reach out for it? Wouldn't YOU want to push YOURSELF , (just like you were trying to push that other person) to gravitate towards reaching another love for yourself as opposed to pushing someone who never really loved a love? Ideally isn’t that what you would be doing as the good-hearted individual? You would be pushing a person to reach for something they really never wanted, as if your love of helping someone actually conceptualized a love that was never there for that person? I don’t know that’s just my take on it. I think love should be patient, love should be kind but it should also be true. True love can be to yourself and not always towards someone else or something else.

Sometimes I pace back and forth in my own mind wondering what I would of done if I attacked certain loves instead of running from the fire they ignited in my direction? Where would I be now? Would I be more in love or less…? Would I be helping myself more or less…? Would I have been dis servicing someone else by taking my chances with a certain love? Now not to say I regret anything…because every single decision in this life has made me a much stronger person. Love is such a huge part of my life even if it is love of my career, self love, or a person…whatever it may be. If I didn’t know what love felt like you wouldn’t be reading these words right now. Love is really the best kind of inspiration to pull from. It has every emotion snuggled inside of it battling to come out. But you know what… I believe in more than one chance at A certain love. If you get what you need but not what you want, if you try your best but don’t succeed, when you feel in stuck in reverse, when you lose that something you just cant replace or you love someone and it goes to ultimate waste…do not give up. Do not subdue to the defeat but rather fight harder. If it is your love…(you career, a person, any venture) it is worth fight. It IS worth it. If you never try you will never know. Is it selfish to fight for something when it’s not yours? No. Life is a spiderweb of loves intertwined with one another to bring us to a blissful happiness. Loves are Loves whether they are yours or someone elses. Just be able to draw the line between what is truly your love and what someone elses is. You do not want to be stuck, twisting and turning on the spiderweb of life unable to move forward. Sometimes you have to put yourself first, regardless of the circumstances, in order to be happy ....and guess what? That is okay.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

nightly gratitudes.

So tonight is going to be a little different then most. Tonight I am going to talk about only one thing I would like to dedicate my gratitude to.

'Season Premiere video is amazing! Great stuff, would like to see more of this band'
'The Season Premiere's music video was PHENOMENAL!!'
'I love love The Season Premiere's music video! It's more than pretty amazing and the ending is golden. :) Not to mention, now I can't get Anything But Love out of my head...:)'
'The song Anything But Love by the Season Premiere was awesome! I can't stop listening to it!'
'The featured video by the season premiere, is awesome. catchy song, great lyrics, and incredible video - extremely talented guys and stoked to hear more!'
'Ni**a I aint made of money but The Season Premiere's new video is gold.'
'Just saw The Season Premiere's new Anything But Love video and I am in love...amazing video!!!'
'Great job with the music vid, Crystal Kimberly!!! I was so impressed--great job putting this all together, and I wish you tons of success!!'
'Um, Loved the video. :) The videography was awesome--angles, light, everything. And the music is awesome. :)'

Above is a very small taste of some of my favorite comments left on the Glamour Kills Facebook Wall since yesterday when we released the video for 'Anything But Love'. Never did I think a year ago when Justin and I were talking across the country to each other (he in Tempe, AZ and myself in Albany, NY) that this would be happening. That this much positive feedback would be coming our way. Hell never did I think I would get a three person crew together to drive across the country with a couple hundred bucks in our pockets that we raised through Kickstarter. The boys of The Season Premiere have really changed my life...all corniness aside. I am not just referring to the video and the career opportunities...but I'm more so referring to how real, talented, down to earth, passionate, unique, and insane these boys are. Their music brings such a catchy, uplifting, 90s throwback feel that I think maybe the music realm has lost touch of. Their music isn't just about the cliches but the true and bare emotions that they personally have endured in their lives. Isn't that what music is supposed to be about? I know it used to be.

Less than a month ago I was sitting in Justin's car with Jami(part of my lovely crew), Travis, and Terrence listening to the full EP (to be released on the 23rd of August) called 'For All the Lovers' for the first time. And I remember to this moment how lost,in the most amazing way possible, that I got in the music. Maybe that's because I knew where a lot of the stories told in the melodies came from, but maybe it was also because of the sound they offer through each note Justin sings, to the smoothness of Travis's back up vocals and raw guitar talent, to Riley's insane ability to pound his heart into every beat of the drum, and Terrence's love to strum the bass. Yes 'Anything But Love' is a catchy-radio friendly-fun song, but the rest of the EP?! Pheww you better watch out.

I am so grateful for not only meeting these boys but for the opportunity of working with them and helping them live their dreams. The smile across their faces when they pick up their instruments and see a crowd in front of them is just unbelievable. If you doubt The Season Premiere at all as a band go to The Glamour Kills Facebook page and that doubt will surely disappear. I myself know from working at Glamour Kills that they seldomly get a response like that to many bands. The fact that so many people responded in less than 20 hours- over 1300 views on youtube, traffic like crazy on the Glamour Kills Blog, over 175 facebook comments, and tweets up the Wazzoo--is nuts. Quotes right from some of my good friends at Glamour Kills were 'We were so impressed.' 'What the hell did you do right for this to happen?!' Everyone keep in mind The Season Premiere is an unsigned band and I think they have proved it is possible to get somewhere in this music business even if unsigned. Mike Gentile from Hey Monday, Mark from Glamour Kills, Brian the lead singer of The Summer Set, Craig Owens of Drugs, The Gunz Show, and The Downtown Fiction are just SOME of the people already in the business who believed in The Season Premiere enough to spread the love.... That's not even including the hundreds of fans, family members, and friends who took the time to listen, enjoy and spread our hard work. Now it's your turn....what do you think? Check out our video at and you will be just as amazed.

I think we were all very lucky to meet one another and I know we all appreciate one another more and more everyday. ( Love you boys-Justin, Travis, Terrence, Riley and Matt & to my crew all the love in the world- Jami, Alex ,Dan & Joe)

I am grateful for yesterday. I am grateful for today. I am grateful for tomorrow. I am grateful for them. and I am grateful for us.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, August 7, 2011

nightly gratitudes.

i'm grateful for a delightful today + a better tomorrow.
i'm grateful for alone time to reflect.
i'm grateful for the ability to express my deepest darkest feelings to strangers.
i'm grateful for sincerity.
i'm grateful for feelings of doubt + then having the ability to trust my gut.
i'm grateful for meeting the boys of The Season Premiere.
i'm grateful for one of the hardest but best years of my 23.
i'm grateful for a working heart.
i'm grateful for a beautiful, loving, fantabulous family.
i'm grateful for randomness.
+ i'm grateful for crazy. stupid. love.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

crazy. stupid. love.

Awhile back i wrote a blog that contemplated the rules that govern love. Well through all deliberated viewpoints i say 'screw the rules.' In the time it takes you to learn those rules you have potentially missed out on all the raw emotions and moments. I mean really...what happened to romance? What happened to secret notes being passed + car doors being opened + lame pick up lines + slow dances in the rain in the middle of the street + her favorite flowers + cliches + raw first dates + hopeful forevers + awkward silences + spelling your feelings in candles + picnics on the beach + so on so forth. i mean when someone says 'ohh those things only happen in movies.' Well yea sure... hell why do you think that is? It's because we are all busy saying that + not doing it. romance is not about being lazy and's about the significance of your conversations with someone + knowing what makes them smile...knowing what makes them tick...the significance of GETTING to know all of that about a person. i mean the trip to loving someone is almost equal to when you first realize you DO love them. Effort is the first way to a persons heart, girl or guy. it may be crazy to love someone, it may be stupid to fight for them, but when you find your soul mate their love is worth the fight, the will to never give up. Through all hard, through all good, through all. just a thought i had tonight. a thought we should all think about from time to time.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

nightly gratitude.

i'm grateful for my ability to forgive myself + others.
i'm grateful for music defining life.
i'm grateful for memories of always and forever.
i'm grateful for a strong heart.
i'm grateful for the support of my family + friends.
i'm grateful for my drive to work hard.
i'm grateful for my brothers.
i'm grateful for both sides of the story.
i'm grateful for my chances to travel thus far.
i'm grateful for my education.
i'm grateful for my faith in 11:11.
+ i'm grateful for my internal maps of where i've been + where i want to go.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

nightly gratitude.

i'm grateful for my family.
i'm grateful for the laughter my life encompasses.
i'm grateful for a job that pays my bills.
i'm grateful for my strength.
i'm grateful for fate + hope.
i'm grateful for a past masked as tragedy that has morphed + has smacked me in the face with reality.
i'm grateful for my passion in life.
i'm grateful for the look in the eyes of those who love me for who i am.
i'm grateful for a healthy body.
i'm grateful for the few that'll always be there for me when i look over my shoulder.
i'm grateful for you.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

victory belongs to the most persistent.

bucket list. august of 2011-january of 2012. no particular order.

1. go to california.
2. finish a full chapter in my book.
3. pay off my credit card bill.
4. to focus on me. to spend time on me + so things happen for me.
5. to find my first tour manager job.
6. meet Christina Perri + see her in concert.
7. get a tattoo.
8. buy myself something expensive.
9. sing in front of a crowd.
10. weed out the bad seeds in my life + cherish the good ones.
11. start writing nightly gratitude lists.
12. do the insanity workout in full + lose fifteen lbs.
13. stop drinking coca cola on a daily basis.
14. cleanse my room of chaos.
15. help a stranger take a step in the right direction.
16. if I have a chance to make it—I’ll take it.
17. learn to play my ukulele (beyond a couple songs).
18. develop a concept for my non-profit organization.
19. spend more time with family.
20. find a peaceful love in my self + in another.

twenty things to come true in six months. what does your checklist look like?


Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, August 1, 2011

no longer fixed at zero.

man oh man. hey World! If you haven't noticed--lately writing in this beloved blog of mine has come far and in between with the life i have developed this past year. between the most draining full time job to hours upon hours of passion filled freelance work to finding a second job i have little time to pour my soul to all those who care to read. neglecting this blog-i realized-isn't just hurting those who enjoy the read but myself. i have realized that although very public, this typed diary helps me cleanse. it helps me rid my days of negativity and inhale a positive aora. we all know the positive is necessary to survive in this life we live. the negative i have undoubtedly been rained on by was like a vulcher on my shoulder telling my to give in. to give into the comfort of settling. to give into the unhappy endeavors i was partaking in. to give into the laziness. to give into my biggest fear-failure. never did I think that after 23 years of life i would still be in this small town with barely anything checked off my list. so what you ask is my determination to all of a sudden get out of this quicksand that I unfortunately have been slowly sinking in for a year? well i intend to share with you a bucket list of the things i have already checked off my list but also the things i want to and will complete in the next six months. now six months may seem like a long time..but really is it? what were you doing six months ago? that was back in March. ! . yea people it is already August! we have to get on our goals. whether i am sleeping 8 hrs or 2 hrs a night i will do the things on my list because i know these are the things that make me incredibly happy. they make me who i am. i went from being an incrediblly driven individual to that person who gets caught up in comfort, bills, and busy life. i lost track of me. crystal kimberly. time to change that. no longer will i be fixed at zero but rather i will be reaching for dreams, goals, love, freedom from disappointment and negativity. i will surround myself with only positive passion and fulfillment. and i hope you do the same. my next blog will be the bucket list i intend to complete in the next six months. stay tuned.

much love
Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

p dot s

this is time to become a new vintage me.(i know it sounds like a oxymoron/juxtaposition--but it is what i intend to be...a newer version of the old me)

i love you all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What does Lovestrong mean to me...?

Lovestrong is much more than just a word. It is much more than just an idea or an emotion. It is much more than an action or a potential. It is a movement. A movement both internally to the individual and external to the masses. We love and enable ourselves to fall victim to vulnerability. We may even lose ourselves in that vulnerability in hopes of gaining just as much love as we give. Well... lovestrong is when we fall so far into vulnerability and then come to the realization that we are much stronger than that. We gain control of ourselves in order to crawl out of that hole of lost emotion. The hole of empty love. The hole of lost thoughts and feelings. Lovestrong is the amazing feeling when you realize how much you're worth. Lovestrong is the incredible dance we dance between the gray shades of black and white of a relationship. It's getting back onto our feet, letting go of the past and our misconceptions of a relationship in which did not work out how we presumed it would. Lovestrong is saying it is okay to be sad and taking that sadness and utilizing it as fuel. Fuel for the heart to be stronger. Fuel for the heart to smile. Fuel for the heart and soul to no longer be governed by rules. It's believing in a better tomorrow even if pain is what you must undergo. it's fully admitting to how you truly feel as opposed to submitting to it. It's transitioning from a caged heart to a freed soul through a fresh start. It is finding peace within and spreading that to all points in your life. Lovestrong is utilizing your wrongs in life in order to inspire your rights in life. Lovestrong is knowing that no matter what ...There is good around the corner and you will do whatever you have to to pick yourself up to get there. Lovestrong is taking your black and blues and ridding them of all pain. it is basically to me the happiness you find in yourself by picking up pieces and utilizing what made them fall apart to better yourself.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Do you ever wonder about the good behind each word?
The feelings in which each of us have undoubtedly preferred.
As you go left I attempt to go right.
A dance lost in the gray shades of pure black and white.
Finding a place to stand, while you swirl around the potentials.
Instead of finding a place to land, we jump the puddles of all nonessentials.
Worries are lost in the shadows of what unknowns we once were.
While happiness crawls in the being that meeting made occur.
Wonders hung over the pedal of an unforgettable calla lily.
Is this perfectly imperfect moment too good for a being like me.
Happiness is much more than a smile to a face, or a beat to the thriving heart.
Happiness is conceived in the center of the soul, the pain of fire getting a restart.
When a never says never, lovers say love does exist.
For love is forever, a feeling one can't take and ignore or try to resist.
While most lovers grasp the love they are proud to wear on their shoulder.
Some lovers hide in the past love that most lose when they grow older.

Who says love has any rules or that rules are what govern love?
Who says that there's a right or wrong when a heart beats so strong?
Who believes in forgetting yesterday in order to be okay today?
Who believes in a better tommorow, if pain is what you must forego?
Why not be governed by love rather than trying to control it?
Why not reveal how you truly feel as opposed to choosing to submit?

Deliberations of a street no longer walked.
slowly losing concrete in the whiteness of a passing season.
While eyes had once been deeply interlocked.
transpired into a blindness with an age of underlying reason.
What was brought up suddenly.
began to ice over as one sat too quietly.
Something one never thought to expire.
a lonely girl tangled in life's neverending love wire.
Caged by a heart and freed through a fresh start.
Never really knowing what to say, emotions always getting in the way...

her chance to turn and run.
even with love in plain sight.
choosing to stay-for the past is over being done.
No more divided black and white.

a feeling of release emits into the air.
an emotion existing for which you can not prepare.

life has brought us to this moment of fearless heartache.
it's time to push on the gas before hesitations urge life's emergency brake.


Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, March 27, 2011

lifestrong. has been months upon months since I have even attempted writing a heart filled blog. These past couple months have been filled with changes...changes I would of never imagined. Changes that have consumed me not only physically but emotionally, mentally, and both externally and internally. Changes in my career. Changes in my personal life. Changes in my wants. Changes in my needs. And most importantly changes in me as an overall person. I've dealt with success and failure at the same time. I have felt pain smack me across the face as happiness made my heart beat to shy away the pain. I've traveled and not traveled enough. I've loved and not given love enough. I've cried and laughed. I've helped and been helped. I've dreamt and dreamt bigger. I have checked some things off my list and added ten more to fill it's place. I have watched those who deserve to be watched and hid from those moments that need darkness. I've been between moments of black and white only to fall into the shades of gray. I've reminisced of the past and lost myself in the potential of a future. I've thought of the present and ran away of change needed to get to that future. Yet even when trying to avoid change here I am...changed.

I have had much time to think about life-as i always do regardless of any time restraint, but I recently came to the realization that I am a person of question marks. There is always more that I want. And yes this want factor makes me a very driven person but there is never an answer to all the questions of Crystal Kimberly. I guess that is what makes life though. Aren't we all searching for an answer? Aren't we all living life to strive for more and in the process grow? Whether you are in repair from a loveless bruise or running around with the heart of life you will always question and search for an answer. That i think is what makes me lifestrong.

You have to have a good head on your shoulders in order to prosper in life. I've had both detrimental and amazing times in a matter of months. I've road tripped across the country and shot a music video while meeting amazing, incredible people, but I have also lost some significant people and moments in my life. It's a give and take world and I have just learned what taking means. You can't go through life being 100% giving. I have tried that and it was great but it also always left me with a mere empty feeling inside at times. I could never figure out why I wasn't one hundred percent happy when I had such a great life to be thankful for. Well traveling across the country, taking an idea I had and transforming it into a tangible, full scale production made me realize why I had that once empty feeling. You ALWAYS have to take time for yourself and do something YOU want/need to do regardless of what other people think. Who cares if someone doesn't think it's possible. Who cares if there are those who deny you'll reach success or those who refuse to admit you are right in doing what makes you happy. It is your life and you have to be lifestrong in order to make the best and most out of it. It's your path to paint, it's your path to follow, and it's your path to conquer. Don't let bumps in the roads or negative situations ruin your ability to conquer your painted path. Give while you take and take while you give for that mindset will get you where you want to be, and those who love you will be right by your side helping you paint a longer and greater path to conquer on your way.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

i love you all. thanks for reading. and watch out for many more words in the next few weeks. i'm back:).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So Important!! Everyone read:) The Season Premiere Music Video for 'Anything But Love'

IMPORTANT! Everyone, I have been working on this project for months now &need your help! Go to this site :: and read more & donate to this amazing project:) Spread the word & love to everyone and anyone.♥ & Thank you all so much from myself, my crew, and the band. Haven't you ever wanted to showcase your talents but didnt have all the amenities necessary in order to do so?! Well this is our chance and we really need your help!! So look over the video and read the write up. Everything counts whether your donate 5 dollars or 100 dollars, or whether you just tell everyone about this and check up on the project when we finish:) Thank you all and Love you so much<3

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly