Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dress your wounds, trust your strengths, and face the night. Crave the touch, feel the pain, and know the signs.

I have a quick topic I'd like to blog about. Short and sweet but it's a topic I was discussing with a friend of mine and I want to express my views on it...Sometimes individuals go through things we can't seem to explain or comprehend no matter how many hours are spent interpreting or contemplating different situations. Ultimately some things are unfortunately out of our hands. And really sometimes we must take certain endeavors and learn from them as opposed to being defeated by them. The best example that can be utilized is love. Ideally individuals use love as an excuse to not work hard at a relationships. They say 'All that matters is that you are in love.' Well I am sorry to break it to everyone but love isn't always enough, and getting to the point where you accept that is the most mature level one can be at. We all go through the ups and downs of relationships, but no one should ever regret any experience they have had. Each experience grows a new characteristic, a new knowledge in each of us. That knowledge then begins to turn into a fundamental stepping stone in life. These stepping stones are the mind's thoughts expressed in each heart beat. Now I think some of us tend to get so lost in the arguments and the problems that we rely on hope to get us through. Yet there is so much more involved in a relationship. It really isnt just about love or hope. It's about the fight, about the will, about the appreciation, and about the happiness. When you get to caught up in the bad..you tend to forget the good and your begin to lose not only the relationship but yourself in a black hole of whys. Contemplating why all the time is more detrimental than anything, and ultimately it leads to defeat. So you must; Dress your wounds, trust your strengths, and face the night. Crave the touch, feel the pain, and know the signs in order to be okay and live life the way it's intended to be lived. That is all:) Goodnight bloggers!!

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The power of a Social Network-

So as I arrived home today after seeing the movie Social Network I could not help but think about the significant influence and affect social networks actually have had on this world- internally and externally that is. I mean think about it...How many times do you check your facebook, twitter, tumblr, blogs, myspace... a day? We basically have computers in the palm of our hands and eyes glued to those devices 50 percent of the day. Think about the potential and ease of access connected to that fact. Our world has been externalized on this thing we call the Internet. Now not only do our roommate's/friends/family/significant others know what we are doing, but so does everyone who we choose to share that with on the lovely 'world' of the Internet. Think about the capabilities that these social networks have and have had-good and bad.

But.... what really is a social network? Is a social network an external device utilized with the tip of our fingers across a keyboard.?.?.Or is our social network the many face to face encounters we endure on a daily basis? I mean ideally we want both..right? To be able to keep in touch with people, and share our lives with those who would not necessarily be able to be part of it on a daily basis. Yet at the same time we want to be able to walk away from that network and go to real life encounters and socialized settings. I guess that is why there is such an enormous buzz with things such as: facebook and twitter. I, personally, use both plus some of these other social networks and I think they have been a very positive addition to the lives of many. It is actually crazy to think how fast information spreads utilizing these sites, as if it wasn't flowing fast enough before all of these sites came into existence. You can type something on twitter and all your followers, whether you have 30 or a million, will see it within seconds. This is significantly beneficial in so many ways. Think about the possibilities it has brought to charities, movements, and businesses...

Being that I have a marketing degree- I have learned the power of words, and the power of words on a network where thousands of people tune in JUST to read those words....the possibilities are endless. That is REAL power. A power of intriguing people to the point where they fixate on these status updates and picture uploads... it is quite incredible. But then there is also debate as to whether this is actually a good thing? Do we really want people to know every detail of our lives?! Some write where they are and what they are doing constantly on the sites...is that really safe? People share their lives with friends AND strangers...is that responsible? And then what about the professional realm of it?? I have heard so many stories of friends being denied jobs or fired for things they said on twitter or pictures they posted on facebook? Yes- everyone has their skeletons, their personal lives...but should we integrate that personal life into a network that blurs the lines of professionalism and socialization? I'm not too sure we should. Facebook went from a very exclusive network to a network like all others. Once strictly for college students, facebook has opened it's doors to any single person with a mere email address. What really sets it apart from the rest anymore? Of course some may argue Facebook is worth the amount it is worth (25 billion dollars) because it began to integrate: business, advertising, and no strict exclusivity. However, did that in turn take away it's diversification? I don't know...I guess this is a personal opinion each individual has to arrive at on their own. It is just quite crazy to think about how the youngest billionaire in the world, Mark Zuckerberg-26 years young, was able to create this online hang sesh where people spend a significant amount of time on each day.

Someone said to me tonight,
'It is crazy to think that every individual is just one idea away from being a billionaire.'
Now I being the person I am... do not agree with this statement 100 percent but with the right resources, knowledge, background, and drive an idea CAN form into a monumental movement in this world that will go down in history. And that IS a power many can inherit with hard work.

Think about it....

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pursue Your Drug

I think everyone has a drug. I know---bold statement right? I really find this to be true though. I mean look at musicians-they live, eat, sleep, breathe music. Artists-they pour their souls into each paint stroke, photographers spend their lives traveling to get that one picture...Designers spend countless hours throwing back red bulls and staring onto computer screens, sketching, and thinking about what is next. Scientists sleep in labs in hopes of not missing any detail of any experiment. Me...? Well I have been consumed with, occupied with, and in love with words. Words? A huge emphasis on the question mark you must all be thinking. Well I have been writing since I can remember. Of course what I used to write way back in diapers isn't the same as now...but like everything our skills grow with experience and time. Time really has only brought me closer to realizing not only how much I want to write, but how much I HAVE to write. This blog is just a tiny glimpse of what I write. I write as much as you probably eat a day, if not more. It's as if I can't breathe if I go too long without picking up a pen to write my thoughts, or open my lab top to type out a few sentences. I mean think about your drug? Do you watch too much Lost-and when I say that I know all you Lost watchers would kill me and say you could never watch enough Lost. And that is exactly my point...That is YOUR drug. I could not write enough in a day. Imagine what you could not live without...what you obsess over on a daily basis. There is a reason for that obsession, and that is what we should all realize.

Point being- Whether we want to realize it or not...we all have our drugs. Ultimately I think we should all figure out what our drug is and pursue it*. If you love something enough do it! Please for goodness sake. As cliche' as people are when they say, 'life's too short.' It is true!! Duh...why would SO many people say it?! So yea...my drug is writing!! What is yours?? I am curious.

* When I say 'pursue your drug'...I want to make it clear: I do not condone the utilization of tangible drugs. I just wanted to clear that up. I am not saying druggies hey...keep shooting up. That is bad, illegal, and icky! I'm just sayin'. :)

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Friday, September 3, 2010

P(oint) O(f) V(iew)

This single spot, embraced by her essence. Left alone, in thoughts of your adolescence. Mirrors of emotion staring right through your eyes. Feelings that consume her, for that is how your heart replies. A mind of a lonely guy speaks through the silence of his non verbals, as does the way a girl battles with her mind and heart's constant, intangible pulls. She needed saving from her wonder man, an unspeakable task. However she too silent, unable to fully ask. You were expected to climb higher than the rest. An unfamiliar ground could defeat you, ultimately make you second best. The cape of saving your love, a duty too much to expect. Faults you were innocent of, that she did ultimately choose to neglect. Time set in, in which you both came to realizations. The super power of love means more than pure obligations. Your moments with her and her moments with you, created simplicity in each point of view. Love is love without the little recognitions, but gratitude should be used without any presuppositions. Two single beings equal one coupled heart. There lies a significant need to take the moment from each person's part.

Point of views encompass the corners of each mind. And without contemplation of one anothers, a relationship could forcefully be redesigned...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Crazy Sensibility

Climb a wall or choose to stand out in the crowd. Laugh when those cry or do beyond what's allowed. Love those who hate while you stare into the abyss. Start movements on your own while others fall in shadows, only to exist. Avoid victimization and profiling of the soul. For the mystery of each persona should be what makes us whole. Do what is right to you, while others do the wrong you must hide. Only to convince yourself it's not causing paranoia worldwide. Be a sensible craze with each walking stare. Develop your own organized chaos into a "freakin' billionaire". Say what you mean and mean what you say. For words can be monumental over that of a silent bouquet. Dance in the crosswalks of life, past all the routinely shy walkers. Create a circle of silver lining, and surprise all the sweet talkers. When pain throws your heart into a sealed existence. Transform it undone into a blender of persistence. If color blind, enrich your eyes with a rainbow of imagination. Walk on the clouds and fall to your deepest temptation. Deaf ears hear the sounds of the world. Even when it's gossip continuing to be unfurled. Be a friend or de-friend those who deserve. Because friendship is two sided, not one sided as I have observed. Open your eyes while you close your mind. Hell...open your mind while you close your eyes. Do what you want and be who you are. Then tell your story with the strings of each passing guitar. While you may think this world is becoming corrupt, it's really becoming a world to erupt. Technology and stereotypes without any dotted lines. All of a sudden who we know defines our life's designs. Who's to say you're not living the dream? Who cares if your dream is subtle or extreme? Love is the weapon in which we must learn how to use. A weapon unfortunately that some may abuse. Subsequently memory cut outs may follow to fix the unhealed walls. Walls once so strong no heart suffered the falls. Smiling is essential, the key to happiness. Since seldomly found, smiles should lead to the answer 'Yes.' The sensible craze of hesitation sings in us all. An emotion to deter, without any moment to stall. Skip in your feelings as you conquer the clouds of thunder. Live in your strength to show wrong to the wonder. Walk to the beat of your life, slow or fast. For life is real, and no one can take your place in a recast. Don't try to reassemble a puzzle that does not exist. That tight grip on security is regret being kissed. Second chances should always be given. First chances should always be forgiven. Swim in the potential for new knowledge and don't sell yourself short. For being content with anything less leads to failed education as your escort. Be crazy yet sensible as the rest watch you fly. These guidelines are ones in which you should live by...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Thursday, July 29, 2010

“Thinking is the greatest torture in the world for most people.”

Thinking- an act of desire or need? Do we think because we want to or because we have to? Is it our choice to think or is it forced upon us? If you think about it ...actually we think 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is quite a crazy concept to comprehend. For instance; we wake up with thoughts of what we have to do for the day, we go on about our day with what we want to do now, then tomorrow, etc. Then we go to sleep thinking, and even when asleep we conceptualize dreams about what we were thinking about that entire day consciously or subconsciously. So is it a choice? Can you physically and mentally prevent yourself from thinking. I do not think so, because if you think about it...the act of attempting to get yourself to not think-you are actually thinking about not thinking and you are telling yourself to not think. Which in fact is thinking. Yea...it is like a circle of conceptualizations everyone can attempt to make. . .Think about it..........

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paradise through my eyes...

So recently I had the most amazing trip to Hawaii. Crazy...right?! Who would of ever thought my lifetime would have promised me a trip to such a beautiful place. It made me calm yet excited, peaceful yet intrigued, lucky yet worthy. Aside from the hours on a plane- my entire being has never felt so blessed. A graduation gift turned into one of the most unreal experiences of my life.

When I got off the fifteen hours of flight to get there, every stereotype of the eight islands came to life. Blue/clear waters, palm trees, sea life everywhere, fresh fruit, gorgeous weather, surfer 'dudes'/gals everywhere, the best hospitality, and any other thing you can think of. And the best part of being on that side of the country was that we didn't keep track of the time or what day it was. It was just us and paradise. The sun was either up or down. We did not care. Imagine that-a life we now live where we are occupied with routine and know exactly what day and time it is to the minute. Our lives are run by appointments, technology, and always having a place to be. In Hawaii it is far from that. They actually frown upon the use of technology-not that you would ever want to drown in technology being there. My vision when I woke up every morning was sand going miles, blue waters, and smiling faces. I mean really how could you be anything but happy in paradise right? That is something I needed. Going from the hardest semester of my college career, personally and educationally, to graduating, to attempting to find a job. This was an incredible break and trip.

Our first stop was Maui for five days, and I will say it was the most breath taking place I have and probably ever will lay eyes on. Then we went to Oahu for five days as well. While Maui had more of the Hawaiian flare, Oahu was definitely more of a commercialized island- like a mini New York City.. While I am writing this blog not to bore you with too many details, but I'd like to share some of the incredible things that occupied my ten day trip across the country. First and foremost, at both of our hotels we were blessed with such amazing hospitality. It was as if we were part of their families from the second we got out of the car, literally. Hula shows every night, Tiki bars, pools, ofcourse beach everyday, and during the day: Ukelele lessons, lei making, hawaiin language lessons, surfing lessons, and an oober amount of other fun activities. Whatever you want to do they offer on a daily basis. We also went to things such as: a Luau, a sunrise tour on top of volcano Haleakala (which was the most incredible thing I have ever done), boat rides, and lots of shopping.

Throughout the entire trip the most incredible thing, although freezing and exhausting, was being over 10,000 feet above sea level on the most active volcano in the United States. We went on a sunrise tour which left at 2 am in order to make it to and up the volcano (which occupies 85 percent of Maui by the way) by sunrise. We were so far above the clouds in a mere 30 degree weather watching the sunrise. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Then we took the bus even higher to the summit, went for little hikes, barely being able to breathe because of the height above sea level, looked at craters and all that consumed Maui and the other islands. I have never felt so small. Yes... I may only be 5 foot 1 haha... but on this mountain I felt like an ant. This world is so enormous and beautiful and we as humans in a modern world unfortunently do not take the time to appreciate the beauty in each look we get. Throughout my entire trip I have never been so grateful and intrigued.

Bottom line if any of you have a chance to ever go I highly recommend it. No doubt in my mind what so ever. I posted those pictures above to give you a tiny taste of what my eyes saw for two weeks, but realistically pictures could not capture the simplistic beauty. So next time you get to go somewhere or even you walk out your front door, look at the little things all around you. Take those things for what they are and savor each of those moments. I hope we all can start to realize how lucky we are to live in the world we live in, and possibly we can all stop taking things for granted. Until next time, much love:)

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


For some reason this summer I can not go to bed before 5 am. It is quite obnoxious yet intriguing at the same time. This is what came into my mind at 4 am today...

As lovers go and haters arrive
A fork in the road, one hard to survive-
Do you follow your heart, wounds dressed and hid away?
Or do you feel the pain and live in such disarray?
Do we have time to follow our hearts
While our mouths are pleading for a brand new start-
Are we craving the strength to fight and rise above all?
Or are we avoiding the strength to finally let go and forever fall?
We try to bend and never break
But it always leads to an unforgettable mistake-
Are we as thick as thieves or do we lack the might?
Standing with shaken' knees full of incredible fright-
We all look for an easy out before we even step in
A way to survive, a strength severely lacked from within-
Is a cry loud enough for those to hear your fear?
Or is the silence of the night all they need to simply hear?
The question of fixing is always on the mind
And the answer which is left, always undefined-
A heart beats while a mind runs astray
A mind thinks as many feet attempt running away-
Hands shake while eyes pretend to be okay
And a soul cries as a love slowly fades away-
While painful separations are shown in some hearts
Simple contemplations are lost in relationships falling apart-
With time comes pain- not a broken cure
There is always the miss of what you once were-
While a heart can be delicate with many complexities
A person can be just as weak with insecure infidelities-
Infidelities of the mind causing walls to subdue
Infidelities of the heart causing pain to show through-
Answers for questions that have never been contemplated
Questions with no answers forever to be debated-
Dotted lines may approach an end but they may have just got started
For a choice you must endeavor to make, one in which could be outsmarted-
A humans heart is one in which we treasure
Locking it away by infinite, defensive measure-
As long as the key is not too tightly locked
A decision can be made, one to beat the time already clocked...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Inspire those who inspire you...

Hey guys I just wanted to share this with you, well to those of you whom read my blog... It is from about three months ago but it still really gets to me.



You never know who your words can affect. In this case my buddy Alexander Deleon, from a band called The Cab, was inspired by the words I was inspired to write. Crazy right? Your words can greatly impact many lives regardless of who they are. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and write your thoughts. Read peoples comments on both sites...it took my breathe away. I remember the day he posted this I got so many Twitter replies and Facebook messages thanking me. And for what? I thank all those who take the time to read what I write. It is such a significant part of my life and based on the comments-everyone has haters and lovers. However, you should trust in the lovers...they are the ones who truly see your abilities and commend you on your talent. The haters simply have nothing better to do than ridicule in hopes of finding their own talent or lack thereof.

Thank you to all who support me and my crazy wants and endeavors. You mean the world to me<3

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Secure Diversions

We want to love in order to feel secure
While we want to feel secure in the act of being loved
These feelings lost amongst those whom are immature
Emotions lost in their minds, forever hidden or shoved
The mature remembering to breathe as love overtakes their lungs
Memories consisting of more love than hurt
More than simplistic movements of the human tounge
Words utilized in order to purely take minds and divert
Divert the passion in each heart beat
Divert the action enabled by a beating heart
Diversion of the soul to feel incomplete
Diversion of each thought to simply fall apart-

Saturday, May 29, 2010

...What now?

So... as many of you may know, graduation from Siena College has been my most recent endeavor. Four long years in college have finally come to an end. It is quite eye opening and crazy to be honest. Going from attending Iona College for two years, transferring home to Siena College, and finally earning my degree in Marketing Management is an unreal feeling. I mean eight years ago I was a freshman in high school where my only worry was how fast I could run a 600m or 5K. Four years ago I was a freshmen in college where my life was centered around getting an A on my business law exams, and currently I've reached what everyone calls 'the real world' where my biggest worries; like how to pay the bills and be happy at the same time, are the worries that will begin to effect the rest of my life. It is crazy to think that a decision I make today could effect how the rest of my life plays out. Now aside from putting pressure on all of it, for the first time in my life I can finally stop planning and start doing. For years there have been so many thoughts, dreams, hopes, worries, and contemplations in my head. Time has always been the issue though. I would start to write and oops I have a test, or I'd be designing and 'UT Oh' that 25 page paper is due tomorrow. However, now that I have the time to devote to all these things, I can finally start putting my puzzle piece of a life together.

Now those who read this blog, most know me but some of you may not. For those who know me... you know my minds enriched with oober amounts of ideas and endeavors in which I want to partake in. For those of you who don't know me...those endeavors can sometimes be overwhelming because I tend to have a huge list in which grows with each day. Keep in mind that I DO plan on checking off every single item on that list one by one. I thought it would be fit that for my first blog in months to describe what I plan on doing now that college is over.

The main question I have been asked over and over again is '...What now?' Grad school? A job?...Traveling..? Well to be honest... at first I had no want in this world to go to graduate school. I find it more appealing and worthwhile to learn in the field. Yet this last semester of senior year I learned more than I could have ever imagined and I loved it. I realize so much about myself in the past year and I hope to return to school and go to graduate school next year or in the spring in order to keep growing my knowledge of everything and anything. But what am I doing until then you ask? Well I wish I could say I have a job, but currently I do not. I got a couple offers but they were across the country, and they were not truly what I was looking for. And hey, by all means if someone gave me a reason to move across the country I would. But I am not in that stage of my life and was not offered something I thought was worth the travel. So then what....? Well I have been applying everywhere in hopes of getting a job that will fulfill my wants, needs, and loves. This may not seem like enough but....... I have a lot more going on then you tangibly see.

Backstage in my life I have many projects in which I am pouring my heart and soul into. Things I have dreamt about doing... I am doing. Or at least I am attempting on doing them. Curious? Well I was hesitant to reveal anything in fear of jinxing myself, but I decided why not? Why not share with everyone what I am spending all my lovely free time doing? Aside from planning a trip to Hawaii, drawing up potential tattoos, learning drums(wink wink Glenn), and spending valuable time with family and friends I am writing my first book and starting my own company. Wait.. WHAT? Starting my own company..?? Yes indeed I am. I am in the designing stages but it is looking incredible, and I can not wait to share it with the world. Now what kind of company would this be...? Well without releasing too much information it is a company that will offer something for everyone and make a difference in the world at the same time. Exciting right?! In terms of my book, it is emotionally draining, but it's incredible to potentially share my words, my deepest thoughts and feelings, and my love with everyone. Things are going to be crazy for the next year or so..hopefully for the rest of my life:), and I just wanted to tell everyone what is currently going on.

We all have our aspirations in life. Some of which are reached and some that fall short. I have prided myself on my ideals and hopes because I know if I don't put all the pieces together in my life I will forever regret it. Being a person with such high aspirations for myself, maybe more than I should have, there are high bars to reach, but I know I can do it. I have learned throughout all my years of school, and just life in general, that if you set your mind to something you will get it. Fighting for what you love is what living is all about. We live for what we love, we conquer, and we grow in the process. Remember success is measured by your internal feelings and not what others label it at. If you are happy with your life and your accomplishments thus far then YOU are successful. Don't let anyone take that away from you.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, March 15, 2010

Blackened Beauty

As the tears fall from the ceiling above
A story is told, one uncharacteristic of
Uncharacteristic of her simplistic life's tale
One which has blocked her from the ability to prevail-

She has an eternity to lose, while he has the world to gain
To him she's merely the dust collected on each window pane
Dust soon to be forgotten, soon to be left behind
A memory blown away as if they had never been intertwined-

What's come of them, a rain drop in a storm of the mass
What could of been love, one which fear did harass
Beauty blackened by the fire they blew out
Now merely ashes left in memories of doubt-

Is happiness something you search for?
Or is happiness something we tend to ignore?
Found in the simplicity we tend to forget
Moments we look back on and unfortunately regret...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Misconstrued as a Perfect Alright

When it's time to sleep we fall to the dreams of night. While one may weep another may be alright- Haunting's of forever contain each stop light of the day.The possibility of a never hides her in the shades of grey- The simplicity's we may conceptualize. A syndication only known to the wise- For simplistic sense is merely not sense at all. Rather a complicated defense hidden behind every wall- Dreams encompass many ideals of faith. While reality lives in the lives of the unsafe- Now isn't reality the safest endeavor? When sadly considering a lonely forever- Or is dreaming the one risky route? For which our thoughts can not live without- So shall I close my eyes tonight? In fear of not waking up to a perfect alright- While perfection swims in the hopes of our neighbors. Ambitions of perfection drown with our saviors- When thoughts reach imperfection we know it is true. For perfection is a thought which we tend to misconstrue- An imperfect being is the perfection in itself. Attaining that level is conveyed through yourself-

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reverse Thoughts

As humans- we aim to attain the things we WANT in life as opposed to the things we actually need. What happens to those things in life we need as our minds become so utterly consumed and lost in ideal thoughts of reaching for things that we want?

It sometimes is a good characteristic to be able to take life in a more 'general sense' -rather being able to look at the 'birds eye view' of life in order to fully see where you are at. What do you have? Ultimately the things you want...the things you need...or do you have neither or maybe both?

We, as individuals submerged in such a modern age, have been taught and trained to have the drive to attain our goals, our dreams, or those goals and expectations others have set upon us, attainable or not. Now, don't get me wrong this is an incredible attribute to have. I am actually 150 percent guilty of focusing on only this attribute alone. I tend to be the ultimate dreamer and ultimately I throw the realism in life away. However; when you think about it...what happens to those who are so caught up in the process and journey of getting the things they want in life... like myself? It just so happens that the essentials in their lives take a back seat and therefore; become lost is the shadows of their wants.

I too often see people striving for careers, love, money, or whatever it maybe that beats in their heart as a want. They get caught in this tornado of wants and forget about the other important things in life, and they forget about the things that they ultimately can't live without. Yes, it's significant to have goals in life...we all must agree on that, but it is also just as significant to have friends, family, a foundation, and really a sense of realism in some respect. You shouldn't just strive to be what you want to be, but rather you should strive to be who you are. I say this from my own mouth, from my heart, because in my journey of attaining the things I want so dearly in my life, for my future, I too have lost myself. While I focus so much on what I COULD reach, attain, gain, grab onto, conquer, etc I haven't been enjoying the now. I haven't been loving life so to speak...And isn't that ideally what wanting something is for? To get to the point of loving life? So why do we waste so much time not loving the life we are living now, and focusing so much on the possibility to love life in the future. This may sound confusing to some, but again there's nothing wrong with confusion. Just think about it for a second. . .

While people strive to reach a goal, a want, or something they unfortunently do not currently have- they become so fixated on that thing that they lose sight on what is actually going on in front of their own two eyes. Moreover; They miss out on the little things in life. Whether that is spending more time with family and friends, enjoying years in high school and college, or merely a simple smile someone gives them as they walk by. We tend to miss out of the things that could make us happy NOW in hopes of reaching a possibility for a better happy LATER. Imagine if we all tried to focus on the now while integrating our goals for the later...the future. Can you imagine the possibility for happiness then? I mean this may just sound crazy, but we could have the wants and the needs...and maybe more than that.

Thinking in reverse is something I've been trying to do recently. It allows for such a unique view on things. It allows for such a realistic dreamer view on life. Possible?? I don't know...you tell me...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Loves Armour

Hiding behind loves armour, afraid to fully consume. Climbing to a level on honor, afraid to let go of what you quietly assume. Left in broken darkness, a fear always feared. Only your heart unable to confess, A slate never completely cleared...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Cliche' we Call Love-

A human's heart is one in which we treasure. Locking it away by infinite defensive measure. As fragile as the window you stare out of. As vulnerable to pain as it is to the art of undeniable love. We risk so much to fall. Yet when we've fallen we wish we'd never let down that wall. .. While emotion flows from lover's tounge. A heart blackens-much like that of smoker's lung. Stereotypical love is that of which we aim for. When stereotypical perfection turns into a reality of imperfectional decor. Simplistic endeavors of a happy ever after. Fallen short of expectations-down to the loss of laughter. Complexity rises with each glare into the other's eyes. A relationship which has undoubtedly lost all elements of surprise. What once took your breath away. Has now become it's very own cliche'. Was it the disease we call love? Or is love merely something undreamed of...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

With Each Finger That Crosses Comes a Story Worth Telling...

A courtesy of emotion flows from your tongue
Words that lose us in each song that you've sung-

Stereotypical love is that of which is lost in perfection
Us-this is far from stereotypes-quite the perfect imperfection-

Simplistic memories of how we met
Knowledge to my heart-you'd be a potential threat-

The clock ticked-hands were held and lips were kissed
The clock ticked-smiles were shared while hearts tried to resist-

The clocked ticked-while her emotions poured out and hearts got involved
The clocked ticked-She was buried underneath happiness, while for him emotions dissolved-

The clocked ticked-Wrong words were said and fears did persist
The clock ticked-Pictures were left and memories newly missed-

Consumption of her mind was all the love she lost
For so long in hopes he was the one, her fingers were strongly crossed-

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lost in Each Open Road

Are sinners always full of sins while good-doers always do good? Or are we blinded by these walls that may be wrong or misunderstood? Do we lose ourselves in pity as we party away the toxins in this city? Reeking of our mistakes from the night before, souls completely lost- past praying for. While those suffer in the rain deferring their minds of any of the pain-wasteful hearts linger and those in need are lost in the words of every singer. Words are just words until they are put into motion. But acts aren't made acts in fear of stirring up any sort of commotion. We appeal to those around us in order to fit in. Consequently running from who we truly are- deep down from within. Each endeavored moment is a history lesson in the making. Whether it is life changing or unfortunently heart breaking.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Accessorize Life-The SAL Method

When thinking about life and the different ways to jazz it up...what do you think about? Of course the first thing that comes to a girls mind might be a nice pair of boots, a slammin' necklace, maybe a big ass ring...Guys may think...a nice hat, maybe a wallet or even sunglasses...but there are some other really solid ways to 'accessorize life'. When taking a deep look into the world around you...what do you really see? Do you choose to focus in on what people are wearing, what brand their purses are or what kind of jeans they are parading around in? Or do you look deeper than that? Do you take the time to stop and reflect on who that person is? Accessories are definitely a way to find individuality and express it externally. However; there are other significant accessories of life. Rather than focusing on name brands, layers of necklaces, tall or short boots, hats or not, things like emotions, actions, and spontaneity are also ways to 'accessorize' your life. Instead of putting all our efforts into how we look, why don't we take the time to spread Love around the world or partake in a Spontaneous activity, or even take Action in our communities to help another person? I call this SAL. If we took the time to endeavor into more spontaneous activities-we'd have more smiles to spread around the world. We'd have more stories to tell the person standing next to us. We'd have more emotions inside of us ready to radiate to our closest neighbor. If we took the same amount of time to go out and take ACTION in our communities, in our dreams, and in our lives, as we take in the morning to get ready for the day an imperative difference in the world would occur. Moreover; what if we took all the Love we had the capability to exuberant to others and did so daily. It's the little things that make the biggest differences in this world. So the next time you are looking in the mirror trying to choose the right accessory for the day just put on a smile. It's the best accessory out there...Trust me.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly