Friday, September 3, 2010

P(oint) O(f) V(iew)

This single spot, embraced by her essence. Left alone, in thoughts of your adolescence. Mirrors of emotion staring right through your eyes. Feelings that consume her, for that is how your heart replies. A mind of a lonely guy speaks through the silence of his non verbals, as does the way a girl battles with her mind and heart's constant, intangible pulls. She needed saving from her wonder man, an unspeakable task. However she too silent, unable to fully ask. You were expected to climb higher than the rest. An unfamiliar ground could defeat you, ultimately make you second best. The cape of saving your love, a duty too much to expect. Faults you were innocent of, that she did ultimately choose to neglect. Time set in, in which you both came to realizations. The super power of love means more than pure obligations. Your moments with her and her moments with you, created simplicity in each point of view. Love is love without the little recognitions, but gratitude should be used without any presuppositions. Two single beings equal one coupled heart. There lies a significant need to take the moment from each person's part.

Point of views encompass the corners of each mind. And without contemplation of one anothers, a relationship could forcefully be redesigned...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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