Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reverse Thoughts

As humans- we aim to attain the things we WANT in life as opposed to the things we actually need. What happens to those things in life we need as our minds become so utterly consumed and lost in ideal thoughts of reaching for things that we want?

It sometimes is a good characteristic to be able to take life in a more 'general sense' -rather being able to look at the 'birds eye view' of life in order to fully see where you are at. What do you have? Ultimately the things you want...the things you need...or do you have neither or maybe both?

We, as individuals submerged in such a modern age, have been taught and trained to have the drive to attain our goals, our dreams, or those goals and expectations others have set upon us, attainable or not. Now, don't get me wrong this is an incredible attribute to have. I am actually 150 percent guilty of focusing on only this attribute alone. I tend to be the ultimate dreamer and ultimately I throw the realism in life away. However; when you think about it...what happens to those who are so caught up in the process and journey of getting the things they want in life... like myself? It just so happens that the essentials in their lives take a back seat and therefore; become lost is the shadows of their wants.

I too often see people striving for careers, love, money, or whatever it maybe that beats in their heart as a want. They get caught in this tornado of wants and forget about the other important things in life, and they forget about the things that they ultimately can't live without. Yes, it's significant to have goals in life...we all must agree on that, but it is also just as significant to have friends, family, a foundation, and really a sense of realism in some respect. You shouldn't just strive to be what you want to be, but rather you should strive to be who you are. I say this from my own mouth, from my heart, because in my journey of attaining the things I want so dearly in my life, for my future, I too have lost myself. While I focus so much on what I COULD reach, attain, gain, grab onto, conquer, etc I haven't been enjoying the now. I haven't been loving life so to speak...And isn't that ideally what wanting something is for? To get to the point of loving life? So why do we waste so much time not loving the life we are living now, and focusing so much on the possibility to love life in the future. This may sound confusing to some, but again there's nothing wrong with confusion. Just think about it for a second. . .

While people strive to reach a goal, a want, or something they unfortunently do not currently have- they become so fixated on that thing that they lose sight on what is actually going on in front of their own two eyes. Moreover; They miss out on the little things in life. Whether that is spending more time with family and friends, enjoying years in high school and college, or merely a simple smile someone gives them as they walk by. We tend to miss out of the things that could make us happy NOW in hopes of reaching a possibility for a better happy LATER. Imagine if we all tried to focus on the now while integrating our goals for the later...the future. Can you imagine the possibility for happiness then? I mean this may just sound crazy, but we could have the wants and the needs...and maybe more than that.

Thinking in reverse is something I've been trying to do recently. It allows for such a unique view on things. It allows for such a realistic dreamer view on life. Possible?? I don't tell me...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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