Monday, February 16, 2009

What do you do when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days?

Have you ever been awaiting something in life when all time seems to halt and your days seem to last forever? Seconds slowly turn into minutes, minutes into hours, and hours into days?! It seems as if this world likes to make a monstrosity of our minds. It's as if when we want to savor a moment in time, it flys by faster than the speed of light, yet when we want to push time away and have it speed up, it tends to actually slow down. What is with that?!

I know that we should never wish time away, and we should appreciate the now. But I mean is it really wrong of me to look forward to things that await me in my future? Right now being in college, is just NOT what I want to be doing. Yes, ofcourse, I have always thrived on a good education and I will continue to attend and get good grades, but unlike others I know what I want to do in the future. When others are confronted with the question, "What do you want to do after you graduate?" They answer with a hesistant, "I don't know?" And me, well I am so excited for that day. I have so many hopes and dreams for myself. I would answer with "I want to make a difference in this world!" I want to move to either New York City, or California. I want to get out of this town and branch out. I want to experience the world around me instead of just watching it pass me by. I want to meet new, exciting people. I want to plan events of wide ranges. whether that is weddings when Im older or outrageous Hollywood parties at my years of prime, it doesn't matter. As long as I love what I am doing in my life, i dont care. I want to write a book, based on current and past life experiences (I am actually in the process of doing so now..when I have free time that is.) I want to do something with music right after school. I know that seems insannnneee, but its a dream of mine. I want to tour with my best friend ( LOVE YOU KNJ) and just experience what we have both wanted for so long. I want to compile my songs and poems and share them with the world. Whether that is done through a book, or through my voice on tour, we will see. But I do know that I so badly hope that it happens. I have a lot to say and share and I hope I get the chance to do so.
I also have a lot of love to spread around the world. I want to volunteer around the world. I want to help the Invisible Children in Africa. ( If you haven't heard of them, it is heartbreaking and all of you should look it up.) I did an event for them before and it was life changing. I also want to start my own non-profit organization sometime in the future. I just want to help as many people as I possibly can. I want to make others proud of me and most importantly I want to make myself proud. And as many of you know, making youself proud can be harder than making others proud.
All in all. when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days I guess the best thing to do is just stay focused on the present and not too much on the future, because you do have to try and enjoy life in the now and every minute of life is too precious to waste away. Ofcourse you can dream and have high ambitions and excitement for the future, but you dont want to spend all your time doing so. Time is precious:), and you need to enjoy it. As much as my future excites me, my present is ah-mazing too. I have ah-mazing friends and family, I write everyday, music is my life, school is also very important, and i love learning new things. So there is no room for complaining!


Perfectly Imperfect
The end.

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