Monday, February 16, 2009

What do you do when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days?

Have you ever been awaiting something in life when all time seems to halt and your days seem to last forever? Seconds slowly turn into minutes, minutes into hours, and hours into days?! It seems as if this world likes to make a monstrosity of our minds. It's as if when we want to savor a moment in time, it flys by faster than the speed of light, yet when we want to push time away and have it speed up, it tends to actually slow down. What is with that?!

I know that we should never wish time away, and we should appreciate the now. But I mean is it really wrong of me to look forward to things that await me in my future? Right now being in college, is just NOT what I want to be doing. Yes, ofcourse, I have always thrived on a good education and I will continue to attend and get good grades, but unlike others I know what I want to do in the future. When others are confronted with the question, "What do you want to do after you graduate?" They answer with a hesistant, "I don't know?" And me, well I am so excited for that day. I have so many hopes and dreams for myself. I would answer with "I want to make a difference in this world!" I want to move to either New York City, or California. I want to get out of this town and branch out. I want to experience the world around me instead of just watching it pass me by. I want to meet new, exciting people. I want to plan events of wide ranges. whether that is weddings when Im older or outrageous Hollywood parties at my years of prime, it doesn't matter. As long as I love what I am doing in my life, i dont care. I want to write a book, based on current and past life experiences (I am actually in the process of doing so now..when I have free time that is.) I want to do something with music right after school. I know that seems insannnneee, but its a dream of mine. I want to tour with my best friend ( LOVE YOU KNJ) and just experience what we have both wanted for so long. I want to compile my songs and poems and share them with the world. Whether that is done through a book, or through my voice on tour, we will see. But I do know that I so badly hope that it happens. I have a lot to say and share and I hope I get the chance to do so.
I also have a lot of love to spread around the world. I want to volunteer around the world. I want to help the Invisible Children in Africa. ( If you haven't heard of them, it is heartbreaking and all of you should look it up.) I did an event for them before and it was life changing. I also want to start my own non-profit organization sometime in the future. I just want to help as many people as I possibly can. I want to make others proud of me and most importantly I want to make myself proud. And as many of you know, making youself proud can be harder than making others proud.
All in all. when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days I guess the best thing to do is just stay focused on the present and not too much on the future, because you do have to try and enjoy life in the now and every minute of life is too precious to waste away. Ofcourse you can dream and have high ambitions and excitement for the future, but you dont want to spend all your time doing so. Time is precious:), and you need to enjoy it. As much as my future excites me, my present is ah-mazing too. I have ah-mazing friends and family, I write everyday, music is my life, school is also very important, and i love learning new things. So there is no room for complaining!


Perfectly Imperfect
The end.

Monday, February 9, 2009

True Friend? "If you jump, I will jump too."

Through life you may run into some tribulations including; many good times and bad, many smiles and many frowns. However; whenever you feel as if life is not going the way that you planned or want it to, all you need to do is turn around and look your closest friend in the eyes. And you will automatically know everything will be okay.
Currently I am going through a rough patch in life, and it doesn't seem to be improving rather falling more into a neverending hole. Throughout this whole situation I have had the most ahh-mazing friends by my side. Full of encouraging words, smiles or just a hug whenever I needed it.

When individuals go through certain stages in their lives, some tend to lose touch with people from their past. Whether that is intentional or just circumstancial differs, but I have seen far to many times where people lose touch with the true friends in their lives that have always been there. This is quite unfortunate considering those are the people you should want to surround yourself with considering that is who you grew up with and who made you become who you are today.

I have always been an individual whom never spoke outloud about her problems, her thoughts, her feelings, or her deepest darkest secrets. However; if there was ever anything wrong my "true" friends would always know that something was up. And even if I did not want to talk about it they would find some way to make me smile and laugh. Whether it was have a random flour fight, doing a crazy dance, staring me down until I couldnt help but laugh, or when all else failed the infamous joke between all of us. That being when everyone, mostly the boys yelling "BRIAN!!" to mock one of our best friends mothers. (Hard to get I know, but if you knew the story behind it, all of you would totally be on the ground laughing right now!...believe me you would ;) ).

So what is a true friend you ask? Well to me, a true friend is many things. First and foremost a true friend is someone who will always be by your side no matter what the situation or circumstance is. A friend is someone who will always be honest, trustworthy, kind, caring, fun to be around, they will always lend an ear when needed and even when its not needed, and they will always know what to say at any particular second. A true friend is someone you can completely be yourself around. Someone you could never feel awkward around, someone you can share your deepest thoughts with, someone who won't judge you, and someone who is so intertwined with you that you finish each others sentences. Or you even are thinking the same thing at the same moment and one person finally says it outloud and you are like "Holy CraP!" A true friend is someone you can stay up all night doing nothing, talking about nothing significant, and non stop laughing with. Hey, here is a PERFECT example of a true friend. Do you remmember that annoying question your parents used to ask you when you were younger. The one that started out , "If they jumped off a bridge , would you?!" and you would always get so mad after hearing that. Welll... A true friend is someone who would be like "YES, I would totally jump off it! " and then they'd be like "She was wearing my favorite shirt!...haha jkjkjkjk!!!"

Mostly A true friend is one who is there to support you. A true friend is someone who can be the Sonny to your Cher, the Alvin to your chipmunks or the third person to your musketeers or stooges.

P dot S. I have to throw this in here right now. I totally love how I went on to Wikipedia just out of curiosity to see what they had was a friend. And some of the first things they have listed are Imaginary friend and friend with benefits. Hystericall.

So yea, don't doubt those who have always been there for you, don't take them for granted, and don't forget who has always been there. True friends are rare so hold on to the ones you have. And just have FUN with them:) For instance; me and my friends like to have idiotic moments. And by idiotic moments, I mean the most ahh-mazing, incredibly crazy, monumental, unforgettable times. Such as; Car Surfing (chyea we did!), Roof jumping (which happens to be illegal..had no , Flour fights, hours of running just to talk (and by running I mean walking..haha) , going out on a boat and running out of gas and being stranded in the middle of the lake. , cliff jumping, rope swinging into forbidden waters, dance parties, photoshoots, twister & catchphrase, endless dinners out, playing on playgrounds when over, train dodging and so many more things...
(P dot S...I love you guys...and you know who you are!)
Cheers to friends:):)
Perfectly Imperfect
The end.

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Perfectly Imperfect?...

Well first of all, I am entering into the "blog world" in order to share my knowledge of life experiences with you guys. Hopefully you guys will be able to relate and you wont be feel so alone when going through the same experiences. Overall this blog is a way for me to share my thoughts, emotions, poems, songs, and to just write freely. The first thing I want to talk about is the name of my blog. "Perfectly Imperfect."

The first time this phrase was said, it was brought up in a conversation between me and one of my best friends. Totally new, never been said before by anyone else, we both thought that it was an inevitable, unique, and free way to express how we both felt about certain things in our lives. No matter what we tried to compare it to and relate it to, it fit.

See, both me and my best friend, Kayla, love to write. Whether we are writing a song, a poem, or a chapter for our book, it is where we feel the most free. Ultimately we are able to escape, release all of our emotions, and just enter into a complete state of vulnerability. And we are okay with that state. In most circumstances vulnerability is seen as something most people do not want to experience or end up in. However; writing is a significant part of my life. It allows me to be who I want to be. It also allows me to say what I feel and not hold back at all. There are no stares, there are no whispers, and their is no judging. (I mean the paper and pen are not going to judge me. )

When the phrase "Perfectly Imperfect" was brought up we were discussing how there is little opportunity for anything to be perfect in life. Furthermore; our conclusion was that perfection was actually unattainable. The image most people have of life is based around the possibility for perfection. You have the typical perfectionist (Which I can say I encompass some of those qualities at times.), or the person ultimately striving for perfection in their relationships, friendships and families, or just in their life in general. In reality none of which can be attained. Every relationship suffers some imperfection, and every family has their quarks. (Some more than others...) But that is what makes life interesting. In order to be prosperous in life we must make mistakes. And with mistakes comes imperfection. Moreover; we, as humans, take those mistakes and turn them into a lesson learned. Imperfection helps us grow and develop into the people we are supposed to become and want to become. There is nothing wrong with taking a step back in life, because (I believe) after taking that one step back, we take three steps forward.

Nevertheless; Perfectly Imperfect refers to the little things in life that stand out, and make life worth living. However; these things are the non-perfect things in life.
For instance; one of the best examples that I can relate it to is heart break. As much of a tribulation that it causes, I would rather (and have) have my heartbroken multiple times than never to feel love at all. Overall, the little imperfect moments in life make it worthwhile.

So as all of you strive to perfect your life, remember that nothing and noone is perfect. And even if they were, perfection is boring. Someones faults are anothers pros, and without the imperfection in ones life, life wouldn't be spontaneous, adventurous, or even worthwhile.

Perfectly Imperfect.
The end.