Saturday, March 31, 2012

serious saturday.

man-serious saturday. i don't know if i or you are ready for this blog. but is it needed? i think so. on both ends too. i think i need to write out my feelings and i think many need to read them. the whole reason i jumped into writing was to help others + to really be able to vent to others in a non traditional way.

well these past couple years, months, days have been crazy. really they have been monumental to my future. they have shaped me not only as a person but they have transformed my ideals and my habits. they have destroyed me while picking me up. they have altered my way of thinking and forced tranquility when maybe some wouldn't be at peace. i have seen the best and the worst. i have been extremely happy and i have been extremely depressed. i have my 'days'-as does everyone. but those are the days that make me appreciate the good days. those are the days where i look back and am grateful for what i have surrounding me whether that is family, friends, a roof and clothes, or even the talents i have recently started acknowledging that i have. i truly believe to be happy we have to first be unhappy. to be successful we first must fail. to be in love we must first be heartbroken. they all are juxtapositions, yes. however they coincide with each other to form this perfectly imperfect world that just bounces off each other. these bumpy roads are here for a reason. they are here so someone can be sent to us to smooth them out. a fire can only burn bright for so long before someone must aid it to make it brighter than it ever was before. many people may try to let out the fire, and pour water on it until it drowns. however; the strongest fires are the ones that have that tiny spark left in which ignites a twig, thus starting a new fire of life. crazy to think about right? its simple. we fall so we can stand. we cry so we can smile. and we hurt so we can heal.

everyone in this world is not an angel. there are many vultures and the key is to remember this. the key is to surround yourselves with an army of good people. we must always remember who we are and really never give up on our futures. don't be your own biggest anchor dragging you under all the expectations and norms of the world. i am doing what i need to right now to get to where i want to be. there is no shame in that. for the first time i am thinking about ME. i am on a bumpy road to happiness and i cant wait to get to my next intersection. i can't wait to have a crazy roller coaster life where i write about the bad and live the good. i cant wait to look back at what i have done and dream about what i want to do. life is incredible ---all of the time. EVEN when it is bad it is good. really think about that.

comment YOUR thoughts i would love love love to hear them:)

thanks for reading.

perfectly imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

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