Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Ripple Effect of Love

Occasionally when the sun collides with water it creates it's ultimate counterpart. A duplicate in itself, the current tore everything in it's path away from it's original position. Steadily the water began to settle and what once was a simple destruction transformed into a beautiful masterpiece. I stood there glaring into the diminutive waves picturing what life would be like if I was water. The sense of simplicity and elegance. Yet the ultimate sense of intensity and complexity. One might describe this as the perfect imperfection. As I stared off into the water more in depth it seemed evident that I resembled the water more than I deemed possible. Ones life encompasses many tribulations and many sacrifices. Mine, at times, contained more than I could handle. Being here was the only place that I could be free. That I could be who I wanted to be. Just me, the water, and the sun. And ofcourse the occassional birds flying by, but they don't judge you as harshly as the world. Freedom is a right this country fought so hard for. So why is it so difficult for me to feel a sense of liberation around others? As I stood there losing myself in thoughts and wonders I realized something. I having been coming to this same spot for years, and each adventure into the thoughts creeping in my mind, there was always a sneaking connection to love in some form. In all the handful of moments that are experienced in life, love takes the cake in terms of the amount of time we endeavor into something. Whether your loving your family, your significant other, your best friend, your dreams, your life, or your fears your are taking time to LOVE something.
At times, I stare off into the ripples of the water and try to conceptualize how people can go off into the world and hit another human being, say they hate someone, disown their own son or daughter, ignore the many wars going on around this Earth, or even something as horrible as murdering someone. It's crazy to think how each person in this world is just as equal as the ripples in the nearest pond of water. If we just each took the time to do simple things such as; smiling at the person walking past us or opening the door for someone, we could change the world. A ripple effect, like the water that lays in front of my very eyes, would begin to take effect all across the world. Sometimes I just want to stamp the word LOVE on my forehead for all to see. Do I care what people say? No. Why? Because I want everyone to look at my forehead and think, wow she is right. Why do we waste our time with utter despise and saddness? Why do we waste the time we have in life when life is a short gift given to us? It's sad to think that we can't just put our differences aside and love each other for who we are. I think the best part of love is we love people for their imperfections, their uniqueness, their qualities, and their intuitive thoughts. Love isn't about presumptions or judgements. Love is about caring and showing you care. Love is about family and friends, love is about dreams and making them come true, love is about this world coming together to make a better place. Cliche, yes. True, yes. Happening, no.
Love is an extremely powerful emotion that at times is absolutely irresistable. When you love something you identify with it. So... why not spread the love all around for all to experience. For those whom are unable to love are those whom are lost. Those whom can not find love are those in the most need of love. Break down your walls and paint love all over the world. Take a risk, a chance, a step, and say I love you. Look at those whom mean the most to you in your life and remind them of it. Do the things you love in life now in order to avoid regret. And remmember time is of essence and we need to enjoy it and help others enjoy it. Something as simple as the current of a stream can relate to the world, and we must recognize the comparison and apply it. Don't be afraid to look into your reflection and be who YOU are. Love the person you were, are, and will become for that is what is most important in life. If you love yourself, it is that much easier to trust and love others.

I love you.
And I dare you to love me...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Beautiful Disaster

Right now the birds are chirping, its 4:06 a.m. and I can not sleep. This is what happens when I think and type::

Sometimes we walk through life with those looking over our shoulders. And sometimes we dread the time that passes and inevitably makes us older. Consequences come from every decision. Just as stiches with each and every incision. Living up to expectations, trying to be unique. Creating your own visions and avoiding the constant critique. Life contains no guarentees. For you can climb and just as fast fall. Everything comes with it's small fees. Trying to be at all beck and calls. A life can be a beautiful disaster. Making things happen just a little faster. The good and bad. Reminiscing on all in which you've had. At times delirious. Atempting to never take anything too serious. Loving what you love. And inventing moments never heard of. Speaking ones mind. A sincere effort to leave nothing behind. Making a mess and then sweeping it under the closest rug. For in love you obsess, because it's as addicting as the next drug. A heart once broke. Memories burnt into smoke. A heart now stronger than ever. Ready for it's very next endeavor. Beating in the echos across the room. No longer afraid behind a costume. Some things unsaid. Not knowing what is ahead. Quietly some assume. While others are stuck to consume.
Not listening to a word. For the eyes tell more. With each humming bird, a new adventure ready to explore. One things wrong. The next is right. Losing yourself in the song or the words in which you write. Things may seem to hit rock bottom. Breathless at times. Senses become numb. Attempting to build a wall in which your heart climbs. Stuck in one spot. Craving adventure. Making an impression, never to be forgot. Undoubtely your last venture.

Crystal Kimberly
Perfectly Imperfect

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New adventure??

So I am sitting here, literally getting lost in the music entering into my ear drums. Songs about living your dream, love, faith and hope, and even things such as; failure, heartache, and loss. Music really has a way to embed it's messages into your brain. Yet at the same time I have found that it can help you get through pretty much any tribulation that you have to endure. For the past year I have increasingly become more involved with the music realm. I have had these dreams in my head building for so long, and ultimately I can not hold back anymore. There is so much I want to do. Recently however; I have contemplated launching my own site to promote and help musicians and bands involved in any kind of music. I also was thinking about promoting clothing lines, other companies, films (which I am working on currently) and basically anything. I have a huge passion for music, fashion, writing, singing, film, et cetera, and would love more than anything to help those in the business. I enjoy so much to see others prosperous, and the passion I have for this world is unreal. I have never felt so free, so driven, so hopeful, and so determined to make something work. Hopefully from this experience I can grow, I can start my own line of jewelery or clothes, I can start my own music venture, or my own writing career. These things will always be embedded and cherished in my heart. So I figured...Why not help those already doing so...??? So there you go...There is so much to come from me, Crystal Kimberly. I hope to build a secure foundation and see where it goes from there. So tell all your friends...Tell everyone you know...Because we all know the most significant way of advertising is word of mouth.

You will be hearing from me soon....

Much love,

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, July 5, 2009


"It's hard to have a good tommorow if you're always thinking about yesterday."- C. Roth