Monday, November 19, 2012

nightly gratitudes.

i am grateful for peace.
i am grateful for lullabied love.
i am grateful for maturity + age.
i am grateful for my dreams.
+ i am grateful for my drive to make those dreams come true.
i am grateful for my family.
i am grateful for artistic thoughts.
i am grateful for second chances.
i am grateful for allowing myself to be a free spirit.
i am grateful for butterflies + goosebumps.
i am grateful for friends, lovers, + nothings.
i am grateful for strength.
i am grateful for a timeline to be displayed throughout my body.
i am grateful for originality.
+ lastly i am grateful for my senses. my ability to see, hear, feel, taste, + smell the world around me gives me the ability to live. it allows me to have the best life that there is.

i am grateful for life + for those who support that life.

have an amazing sleep social network world.

much love
perfectly imperfectly

crystal kimberly.


  1. Very well written! So proud of you...

  2. Beautifully written Crystal ~
