Wednesday, June 30, 2010


For some reason this summer I can not go to bed before 5 am. It is quite obnoxious yet intriguing at the same time. This is what came into my mind at 4 am today...

As lovers go and haters arrive
A fork in the road, one hard to survive-
Do you follow your heart, wounds dressed and hid away?
Or do you feel the pain and live in such disarray?
Do we have time to follow our hearts
While our mouths are pleading for a brand new start-
Are we craving the strength to fight and rise above all?
Or are we avoiding the strength to finally let go and forever fall?
We try to bend and never break
But it always leads to an unforgettable mistake-
Are we as thick as thieves or do we lack the might?
Standing with shaken' knees full of incredible fright-
We all look for an easy out before we even step in
A way to survive, a strength severely lacked from within-
Is a cry loud enough for those to hear your fear?
Or is the silence of the night all they need to simply hear?
The question of fixing is always on the mind
And the answer which is left, always undefined-
A heart beats while a mind runs astray
A mind thinks as many feet attempt running away-
Hands shake while eyes pretend to be okay
And a soul cries as a love slowly fades away-
While painful separations are shown in some hearts
Simple contemplations are lost in relationships falling apart-
With time comes pain- not a broken cure
There is always the miss of what you once were-
While a heart can be delicate with many complexities
A person can be just as weak with insecure infidelities-
Infidelities of the mind causing walls to subdue
Infidelities of the heart causing pain to show through-
Answers for questions that have never been contemplated
Questions with no answers forever to be debated-
Dotted lines may approach an end but they may have just got started
For a choice you must endeavor to make, one in which could be outsmarted-
A humans heart is one in which we treasure
Locking it away by infinite, defensive measure-
As long as the key is not too tightly locked
A decision can be made, one to beat the time already clocked...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Inspire those who inspire you...

Hey guys I just wanted to share this with you, well to those of you whom read my blog... It is from about three months ago but it still really gets to me.

You never know who your words can affect. In this case my buddy Alexander Deleon, from a band called The Cab, was inspired by the words I was inspired to write. Crazy right? Your words can greatly impact many lives regardless of who they are. Don't be afraid to speak your mind and write your thoughts. Read peoples comments on both took my breathe away. I remember the day he posted this I got so many Twitter replies and Facebook messages thanking me. And for what? I thank all those who take the time to read what I write. It is such a significant part of my life and based on the comments-everyone has haters and lovers. However, you should trust in the lovers...they are the ones who truly see your abilities and commend you on your talent. The haters simply have nothing better to do than ridicule in hopes of finding their own talent or lack thereof.

Thank you to all who support me and my crazy wants and endeavors. You mean the world to me<3

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Secure Diversions

We want to love in order to feel secure
While we want to feel secure in the act of being loved
These feelings lost amongst those whom are immature
Emotions lost in their minds, forever hidden or shoved
The mature remembering to breathe as love overtakes their lungs
Memories consisting of more love than hurt
More than simplistic movements of the human tounge
Words utilized in order to purely take minds and divert
Divert the passion in each heart beat
Divert the action enabled by a beating heart
Diversion of the soul to feel incomplete
Diversion of each thought to simply fall apart-