Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dress your wounds, trust your strengths, and face the night. Crave the touch, feel the pain, and know the signs.

I have a quick topic I'd like to blog about. Short and sweet but it's a topic I was discussing with a friend of mine and I want to express my views on it...Sometimes individuals go through things we can't seem to explain or comprehend no matter how many hours are spent interpreting or contemplating different situations. Ultimately some things are unfortunately out of our hands. And really sometimes we must take certain endeavors and learn from them as opposed to being defeated by them. The best example that can be utilized is love. Ideally individuals use love as an excuse to not work hard at a relationships. They say 'All that matters is that you are in love.' Well I am sorry to break it to everyone but love isn't always enough, and getting to the point where you accept that is the most mature level one can be at. We all go through the ups and downs of relationships, but no one should ever regret any experience they have had. Each experience grows a new characteristic, a new knowledge in each of us. That knowledge then begins to turn into a fundamental stepping stone in life. These stepping stones are the mind's thoughts expressed in each heart beat. Now I think some of us tend to get so lost in the arguments and the problems that we rely on hope to get us through. Yet there is so much more involved in a relationship. It really isnt just about love or hope. It's about the fight, about the will, about the appreciation, and about the happiness. When you get to caught up in the bad..you tend to forget the good and your begin to lose not only the relationship but yourself in a black hole of whys. Contemplating why all the time is more detrimental than anything, and ultimately it leads to defeat. So you must; Dress your wounds, trust your strengths, and face the night. Crave the touch, feel the pain, and know the signs in order to be okay and live life the way it's intended to be lived. That is all:) Goodnight bloggers!!

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Friday, December 3, 2010