Saturday, August 14, 2010

Crazy Sensibility

Climb a wall or choose to stand out in the crowd. Laugh when those cry or do beyond what's allowed. Love those who hate while you stare into the abyss. Start movements on your own while others fall in shadows, only to exist. Avoid victimization and profiling of the soul. For the mystery of each persona should be what makes us whole. Do what is right to you, while others do the wrong you must hide. Only to convince yourself it's not causing paranoia worldwide. Be a sensible craze with each walking stare. Develop your own organized chaos into a "freakin' billionaire". Say what you mean and mean what you say. For words can be monumental over that of a silent bouquet. Dance in the crosswalks of life, past all the routinely shy walkers. Create a circle of silver lining, and surprise all the sweet talkers. When pain throws your heart into a sealed existence. Transform it undone into a blender of persistence. If color blind, enrich your eyes with a rainbow of imagination. Walk on the clouds and fall to your deepest temptation. Deaf ears hear the sounds of the world. Even when it's gossip continuing to be unfurled. Be a friend or de-friend those who deserve. Because friendship is two sided, not one sided as I have observed. Open your eyes while you close your mind. your mind while you close your eyes. Do what you want and be who you are. Then tell your story with the strings of each passing guitar. While you may think this world is becoming corrupt, it's really becoming a world to erupt. Technology and stereotypes without any dotted lines. All of a sudden who we know defines our life's designs. Who's to say you're not living the dream? Who cares if your dream is subtle or extreme? Love is the weapon in which we must learn how to use. A weapon unfortunately that some may abuse. Subsequently memory cut outs may follow to fix the unhealed walls. Walls once so strong no heart suffered the falls. Smiling is essential, the key to happiness. Since seldomly found, smiles should lead to the answer 'Yes.' The sensible craze of hesitation sings in us all. An emotion to deter, without any moment to stall. Skip in your feelings as you conquer the clouds of thunder. Live in your strength to show wrong to the wonder. Walk to the beat of your life, slow or fast. For life is real, and no one can take your place in a recast. Don't try to reassemble a puzzle that does not exist. That tight grip on security is regret being kissed. Second chances should always be given. First chances should always be forgiven. Swim in the potential for new knowledge and don't sell yourself short. For being content with anything less leads to failed education as your escort. Be crazy yet sensible as the rest watch you fly. These guidelines are ones in which you should live by...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly