Saturday, May 29, 2010

...What now?

So... as many of you may know, graduation from Siena College has been my most recent endeavor. Four long years in college have finally come to an end. It is quite eye opening and crazy to be honest. Going from attending Iona College for two years, transferring home to Siena College, and finally earning my degree in Marketing Management is an unreal feeling. I mean eight years ago I was a freshman in high school where my only worry was how fast I could run a 600m or 5K. Four years ago I was a freshmen in college where my life was centered around getting an A on my business law exams, and currently I've reached what everyone calls 'the real world' where my biggest worries; like how to pay the bills and be happy at the same time, are the worries that will begin to effect the rest of my life. It is crazy to think that a decision I make today could effect how the rest of my life plays out. Now aside from putting pressure on all of it, for the first time in my life I can finally stop planning and start doing. For years there have been so many thoughts, dreams, hopes, worries, and contemplations in my head. Time has always been the issue though. I would start to write and oops I have a test, or I'd be designing and 'UT Oh' that 25 page paper is due tomorrow. However, now that I have the time to devote to all these things, I can finally start putting my puzzle piece of a life together.

Now those who read this blog, most know me but some of you may not. For those who know me... you know my minds enriched with oober amounts of ideas and endeavors in which I want to partake in. For those of you who don't know me...those endeavors can sometimes be overwhelming because I tend to have a huge list in which grows with each day. Keep in mind that I DO plan on checking off every single item on that list one by one. I thought it would be fit that for my first blog in months to describe what I plan on doing now that college is over.

The main question I have been asked over and over again is '...What now?' Grad school? A job?...Traveling..? Well to be honest... at first I had no want in this world to go to graduate school. I find it more appealing and worthwhile to learn in the field. Yet this last semester of senior year I learned more than I could have ever imagined and I loved it. I realize so much about myself in the past year and I hope to return to school and go to graduate school next year or in the spring in order to keep growing my knowledge of everything and anything. But what am I doing until then you ask? Well I wish I could say I have a job, but currently I do not. I got a couple offers but they were across the country, and they were not truly what I was looking for. And hey, by all means if someone gave me a reason to move across the country I would. But I am not in that stage of my life and was not offered something I thought was worth the travel. So then what....? Well I have been applying everywhere in hopes of getting a job that will fulfill my wants, needs, and loves. This may not seem like enough but....... I have a lot more going on then you tangibly see.

Backstage in my life I have many projects in which I am pouring my heart and soul into. Things I have dreamt about doing... I am doing. Or at least I am attempting on doing them. Curious? Well I was hesitant to reveal anything in fear of jinxing myself, but I decided why not? Why not share with everyone what I am spending all my lovely free time doing? Aside from planning a trip to Hawaii, drawing up potential tattoos, learning drums(wink wink Glenn), and spending valuable time with family and friends I am writing my first book and starting my own company. Wait.. WHAT? Starting my own company..?? Yes indeed I am. I am in the designing stages but it is looking incredible, and I can not wait to share it with the world. Now what kind of company would this be...? Well without releasing too much information it is a company that will offer something for everyone and make a difference in the world at the same time. Exciting right?! In terms of my book, it is emotionally draining, but it's incredible to potentially share my words, my deepest thoughts and feelings, and my love with everyone. Things are going to be crazy for the next year or so..hopefully for the rest of my life:), and I just wanted to tell everyone what is currently going on.

We all have our aspirations in life. Some of which are reached and some that fall short. I have prided myself on my ideals and hopes because I know if I don't put all the pieces together in my life I will forever regret it. Being a person with such high aspirations for myself, maybe more than I should have, there are high bars to reach, but I know I can do it. I have learned throughout all my years of school, and just life in general, that if you set your mind to something you will get it. Fighting for what you love is what living is all about. We live for what we love, we conquer, and we grow in the process. Remember success is measured by your internal feelings and not what others label it at. If you are happy with your life and your accomplishments thus far then YOU are successful. Don't let anyone take that away from you.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly