Monday, January 25, 2010

The Cliche' we Call Love-

A human's heart is one in which we treasure. Locking it away by infinite defensive measure. As fragile as the window you stare out of. As vulnerable to pain as it is to the art of undeniable love. We risk so much to fall. Yet when we've fallen we wish we'd never let down that wall. .. While emotion flows from lover's tounge. A heart blackens-much like that of smoker's lung. Stereotypical love is that of which we aim for. When stereotypical perfection turns into a reality of imperfectional decor. Simplistic endeavors of a happy ever after. Fallen short of expectations-down to the loss of laughter. Complexity rises with each glare into the other's eyes. A relationship which has undoubtedly lost all elements of surprise. What once took your breath away. Has now become it's very own cliche'. Was it the disease we call love? Or is love merely something undreamed of...

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

With Each Finger That Crosses Comes a Story Worth Telling...

A courtesy of emotion flows from your tongue
Words that lose us in each song that you've sung-

Stereotypical love is that of which is lost in perfection
Us-this is far from stereotypes-quite the perfect imperfection-

Simplistic memories of how we met
Knowledge to my heart-you'd be a potential threat-

The clock ticked-hands were held and lips were kissed
The clock ticked-smiles were shared while hearts tried to resist-

The clocked ticked-while her emotions poured out and hearts got involved
The clocked ticked-She was buried underneath happiness, while for him emotions dissolved-

The clocked ticked-Wrong words were said and fears did persist
The clock ticked-Pictures were left and memories newly missed-

Consumption of her mind was all the love she lost
For so long in hopes he was the one, her fingers were strongly crossed-

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lost in Each Open Road

Are sinners always full of sins while good-doers always do good? Or are we blinded by these walls that may be wrong or misunderstood? Do we lose ourselves in pity as we party away the toxins in this city? Reeking of our mistakes from the night before, souls completely lost- past praying for. While those suffer in the rain deferring their minds of any of the pain-wasteful hearts linger and those in need are lost in the words of every singer. Words are just words until they are put into motion. But acts aren't made acts in fear of stirring up any sort of commotion. We appeal to those around us in order to fit in. Consequently running from who we truly are- deep down from within. Each endeavored moment is a history lesson in the making. Whether it is life changing or unfortunently heart breaking.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Accessorize Life-The SAL Method

When thinking about life and the different ways to jazz it up...what do you think about? Of course the first thing that comes to a girls mind might be a nice pair of boots, a slammin' necklace, maybe a big ass ring...Guys may think...a nice hat, maybe a wallet or even sunglasses...but there are some other really solid ways to 'accessorize life'. When taking a deep look into the world around you...what do you really see? Do you choose to focus in on what people are wearing, what brand their purses are or what kind of jeans they are parading around in? Or do you look deeper than that? Do you take the time to stop and reflect on who that person is? Accessories are definitely a way to find individuality and express it externally. However; there are other significant accessories of life. Rather than focusing on name brands, layers of necklaces, tall or short boots, hats or not, things like emotions, actions, and spontaneity are also ways to 'accessorize' your life. Instead of putting all our efforts into how we look, why don't we take the time to spread Love around the world or partake in a Spontaneous activity, or even take Action in our communities to help another person? I call this SAL. If we took the time to endeavor into more spontaneous activities-we'd have more smiles to spread around the world. We'd have more stories to tell the person standing next to us. We'd have more emotions inside of us ready to radiate to our closest neighbor. If we took the same amount of time to go out and take ACTION in our communities, in our dreams, and in our lives, as we take in the morning to get ready for the day an imperative difference in the world would occur. Moreover; what if we took all the Love we had the capability to exuberant to others and did so daily. It's the little things that make the biggest differences in this world. So the next time you are looking in the mirror trying to choose the right accessory for the day just put on a smile. It's the best accessory out there...Trust me.

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly