Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let Loose and Sing if you wanna sing. Regardless of what it sounds like:) Just be you.

What stimulates your heart? What do you have the most fun doing?!

I love to goof off and sing. It's where I can be me...haha check it::

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"The Game"

Have you ever found yourself contemplating where, when, how, and why there was this thing called, "The Game" introduced to the world. Why we as humans, woman and men, have to endure such tribulations, such rules, and such restrictions in order to endeavor into the dating world. Fear subsides in your gut in hesitations of what to say or not to say. Questions lurk in you mind, afraid to think a certain thought, and even if you think you know what the other is thinking you usually end up second guessing yourself. Since when did passion towards another person become such a complicated matter. You would think, "Hey I really like him/her. I should tell them." But no way, for most that is not even an option. We hide in their shadows in fear of rejection or in fear of quite the counterpart of that-a sincere connection. Love is such a precious gift that we fight so hard for. Then when we have it sometimes it's easily forgotten. I find myself glaring at those who strive for perfection in their relationships, and inevitably they fall into a pit of unhappiness. What they don't realize is Love is more than the want of perfections. Because love is actually quite the opposite. We love those we love for their unique tendencies. I sometimes ponder to myself why those around me fight to determine the rules to dating, the right and wrongs of love, and ultimately endeavoring into each moment questioning what will happen next rather than enjoying the current point and time. Since when did, "liking" someone become "THE GAME?" It's as if people over analyze the depths of dating rather than taking the time to look at what is right and blatantly in front of them. It's as if people are so obsessed with finding their happy ending that they overlook the obvious signs staring them in the face.
Girls, think back to when you were little. We were taught that if a guy hits you and runs away, he automatically likes you. However, how does that makes sense? And it doesn't help that movies employ you into the same train of thoughts. We see the typical jerk of a guy getting all the girls while the good guy is left alone in a corner of friendship. We need to begin to learn how to read the signs around us in order to determine who really wants us and who obviously does not. We need to distinguish between a happy ending and a fairytale, because I'm sorry but life is not a book. It comes with imperfection, moments of vulnerability, rejection, and fight. And whose to say that our individual happy endings include a significant other? Why can't the happy ending end with success, moving on in life, picking up the puzzle pieces we call life and putting them all together to fulfill your dreams? Does every person really need to be in a relationship to be happy? We are shown the "perfect" life through movies, television, and magazines. But is that REALLY the "perfect" life? Rather are we conceptualizing and contemplating the stereotypical view of a happy and perfect life as to what the media shows us?
Through all the questionable, misread signals flowing back and forth between two human beings maybe the ultimate happy ending encompasses throwing out the rules of dating and making your own. Maybe "The Game" isn't really a game and it is something this world is striving for in fear of a real, sincere, deep connection with the opposite sex. I see too many of my friends unhappy in some regards to dating. Yet, if we took the time to create our own rules, our own thoughts, and our own hopes in relation to that spectrum of connections, we could quite simply avoid all confusion, all frustration, and find one to sincerely love and adore for who and what you are together. Personally I know from experience the ups and downs of dating, and I hate "The Game." But I have recently come to know that once all the hesitations and fears are left behind amazing things can and will happen. You just have to trust your heart and let go of what you THINK you should do, and just do what you know you should do....Love is a beautiful thing in our world and there are many different ways to encompass that utter, amazing feeling in your daily lives. Just take a risk and don't think for once. It'll happen how it's suppose to happen from there...

Think about it....

Perfectly Imperfect
Crystal Kimberly
